Angioedema is a form of swelling in the deep part of the skin’s inner layer and below, and it may become severe. In some cases, this swelling occurs along with the appearance of hives. This is why angioedema is sometimes referred to as “giant hives.”

麻疹are itchy and raised, red welts that develop on the surface of the skin, involving only the two skin layers. Urticaria is another word for hives.

Both angioedema and hives can be caused by an allergic reaction or intolerance to food, a side effect or allergy to a medication, or an allergen in the surrounding environment, such as pollen, pet dander, and venom from insect bites.

In very rare cases, the swelling can be a symptom of a more serious health condition, such as non-Hodgkin’s B-cell lymphoma. Some areas of the body, such as the eyelids, lips, and tongue, are more prone to angioedema than others.

当血管性水肿通过遗传传播从父母传递给孩子时,该病被称为遗传性血管性水肿。Hereditary angioedema与获得的血管性水肿不同,但无论哪种情况,症状和治疗方法都相似。


The most common symptom of angioedema is swelling with a red colored rash beneath the surface of the skin. It may occur in a localized area on or near the feet, hands, eyes, or lips.

在severe cases, the swelling can spread to other parts of the body. Angioedema may or may not be accompanied by swelling and welts on the surface of the skin.

Additional symptoms of angioedema may include abdominal cramping. In rare cases, people with angioedema may experience a swollen throat, hoarseness, and difficulty breathing. Angioedema may or may not itch.




  • 昆虫叮咬
  • 花粉
  • poison oak or ivy
  • 乳胶
  • animal dander
  • 药物
  • certain types of foods


Angioedema may also develop as a result of an infection or illness, such aslupus (SLE)或者leukemia。这些将是获得性血管性水肿的例子。

Hereditary angioedema occurs in people with a family history of the condition, due to an inherited genetic mutation.

Certain factors can increase your risk of developing angioedema. These include:

  • a previous occurrence of angioedema or hives
  • 先前的过敏反应
  • a family history of angioedema or hives
  • sudden temperature changes
  • 压力或焦虑
  • 某些医疗条件


It’s important to tell your doctor if you’ve recently been exposed to certain substances that have previously triggered an allergic reaction in you. This may help your doctor determine the specific cause of your reaction.


These tests measure the levels or function of certain proteins in the blood. Abnormal results can also be associated with a health problem related to underlying autoimmune disease.

People with mild symptoms of angioedema may not need treatment. However, those with moderate or severe symptoms may require certain medications to help relieve intense swelling. These medications can include:

  • 肾上腺素,如果由于急性过敏反应
  • 抗组胺药,例如洛拉塔丁和cetirizine,如果由于原因未知的过敏反应或血管性水肿
  • glucocorticosteroid, such as prednisone or Solu-Medrol, if due to acute allergic reaction

治疗options available specifically for hereditary or acquired angioedema include the following:

  • 纯化的人C1酯酶抑制剂
  • 新鲜的冷冻血浆
  • ecallantide
  • iCatibant

It should be noted that fresh frozen plasma treatment isn’t approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for this purpose and is used off-label.

Certain home remedies may also help relieve symptoms. These include:

  • 施加凉爽的湿压缩以帮助舒缓皮肤并防止刮擦
  • wearing loose cotton clothing to avoid further skin irritation



However, angioedema can be dangerous when the swelling is severe and occurs near the throat. A swollen throat or tongue can block your airway and make it very difficult to breathe.

Severe angioedema may be due to过敏反应,一种威胁生命的严重急性过敏反应。在这种严重的情况下,您应该立即寻求紧急医疗帮助。

The best way to prevent allergic angioedema is to avoid known and suspected allergens. You should also try to avoid any known triggers that have caused angioedema for you in the past.
