肛门酵母感染通常始于坚持nt and intense肛门瘙痒, also calledPruritus ani。一个doctor can perform a quick physical exam to determine the cause, such as poor hygiene,痔疮, or a酵母菌感染


一个酵母菌感染is caused by an overgrowth of the fungus念珠菌。When you have an anal yeast infection, you may experience intense symptoms for a few days followed by milder symptoms.


一个n anal yeast infection can easily spread to the nearby阴茎or阴道



  • butoconazole (Gynazole)
  • 克替咪唑(Lotrimin)
  • fluconazole(Diflucan)
  • miconazole (Monistat)
  • 三氯唑(Terazol)


It’s important that you follow the full course of treatment ordered by your doctor to completely clear the infection.

一个dvocates of natural medicine suggest integrative treatments for yeast infections, including:

  • Ozonated olive oil。一个 2016 study concluded ozonated olive oil can be an effective topical treatment for vulvovaginal candidiasis. It worked well for relieving the itchiness but was less effective than clotrimazole cream for reducing the burning sensation.
  • Garlic.一个 2015年研究 compared Garcin-brand garlic tablets to fluconazol and found that it could be a suitable alternative for念珠菌性阴道炎
  • Coconut oil.一个 2015年研究 on rodents concluded that ingested椰子油在减少定植方面非常有效C. albicans
  • 莳萝。一个 2018年随机对照试验 compared the effectiveness ofdill具有氯咪唑栓塞的阴道栓剂,表明它们在显示出酵母菌感染的临床改善方面同样有效。
  • 蜂蜜。一个 2017 clinical trial 比较使用蜂蜜软膏和氯咪唑,发现蜂蜜有助于治疗vaginitis


通常有一些念珠菌living in your gastrointestinal tract and other places on your body that are warm, dark, and moist. When you have an imbalance between it and the bacteria keeping it in check, the念珠菌变得杂草丛生。结果是酵母菌感染。


  • unprotected anal sex with an partner who has a yeast infection
  • analingus与患有酵母菌感染的伴侣
  • 用于sex toys上面有酵母



  • wearing breathable cotton underwear
  • 游泳和水上运动后彻底洗涤
  • 避免在肛门区域使用香水卫生产品

You might be able to reduce your risk for any type of yeast infection, including anal yeast infection, if you:

  • 每天服用益生菌补充剂
  • cut down on high carbohydrate foods and refined sugar
  • 获得足够的睡眠,以帮助身体有时间修复自身并增强免疫系统




If your sexual partner also has symptoms, they should see their doctor. You and your partner should take precautions at least until your doctors have confirmed that your infections have cleared.