Alternate nostril breathing is a yogic breath control practice. In Sanskrit, it’s known as nadi shodhana pranayama. This translates as “subtle energy clearing breathing technique.”

This type of呼吸can be done as part of a yoga or meditation practice. Alternate nostril breathing can also be done as its own practice to help you quiet and still your mind.

There are many variations ofpranayama(breathing regulation). Anulom vilom and nadi shodhana are the most common types of alternate nostril breathing.


Yoga practitioners incorporate a combination of poses and breathing exercises into their practice. There are two variations of alternate nostril breathing:

  • Anulom vilom:This type of pranayama involves conscious inhalation through one nostril and exhalation through the other.
  • Nadi shodhana:Similar to anulom vilom, this technique involves breathing from one nostril to the next. On the inhale, you hold the breath for a brief period of time.

当考虑交替鼻孔的好处breathing, a2017年临床研究评论suggests that the lack of a standard technique makes it difficult to identify how valuable each method compared to others.

Try to incorporate both variations into your practice and see how each one makes you feel.


  • relax your body and mind
  • reduceanxiety
  • promote overall well-being

These benefits, in turn, may help you to be more focused and aware.

You can use this breathing technique to help managestressorsin your daily life. You may also find that practicing alternate nostril breathing helps you to be more mindful of the present moment.

1. Could lower stress and improve cardiovascular function

One of the main benefits of alternate nostril breathing is that it may lower stress. A 2018 study 发现每天练习交替的鼻孔呼吸30分钟的男人在常规练习3个月后的压力水平较低。

Compared to the control group, who did not complete daily breathing exercises, the participants in the study group had significantly lower stress scores.

Another2020研究assessed the cardiovascular benefits of alternate nostril breathing in 100 healthy medical students. After 4 weeks of practice, the participants showed improvement in pulse and blood pressure biomarkers at the completion of the study.

Together, these studies suggest that alternate nostril breathing could potentially help reduce risk factors associated withcardiovascular disease(CVD), such as stress. More research is needed to confirm the benefits for people diagnosed with CVD.

2. Could improve lung function and respiratory endurance

Yogic breathing practices may improve lung function and respiratory endurance. A small2017study examined the effects of pranayama practice on the lung functions of competitive swimmers and found that it had a positive effect on respiratory endurance.

Improved respiratory endurance may also improve athletic performance.

The swimmers in the study did alternate nostril breathing in addition to two other breathing practices for 30 minutes, 5 days a week for 1 month. Larger, more in-depth studies are needed to expand upon these findings.

3. Lowers heart rate

Lowering your heart ratecan help to promote cardiovascular health. According to a 2016年研究评论 , there is an association between balanced autonomic function and integrated yoga practices that include both posture and breathing exercises.


Further research is needed to better understand the long-term effects on heart rates and breathing patterns.


Alternate nostril breathing may enhance overall health and well-being. It has also been shown to have a positive effect onmental healthby reducing stress and anxiety.

Research from a 2020 review of studies found that yogic breathing had a positive impact on female survivors of abuse. The psychological benefits of pranayama exercises may also extend to improved fatigue, stress, and anxiety levels in cancer and CVD patients.

Furthermore, a2018 reviewfound that different types of yogic breathing have many positive benefits for your health, including improvements to neurocognitive, respiratory, and metabolic functions in healthy people.

Alternate nostril breathing was also found to increase breath awareness and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Practicing alternate nostril breath is safe for most people. Talk with your doctor before starting the practice if you have a medical condition such as asthma, COPD, or any other lung or heart concern.

If you feel adverse effects — such as shortness of breath — while doing the breathing technique, you should stop the practice immediately. This includes feeling lightheaded, dizzy, or nauseous.

If you find that the breathing is bringing up feelings of agitation or that it triggers any mental or physical symptoms, you should stop the practice.

You can practice alternate nostril breathing on your own, but you may want to ask ayogateacher to show you the practice in person so you can make sure you’re doing it correctly.


To practice alternate nostril breathing:

  • Sit in a comfortable position with legs crossed.
  • 将左手放在左膝。
  • 将右手抬起鼻子。
  • 完全呼气,然后用右拇指秘密地e right nostril.
  • Inhale through left nostril and then close left nostril with your fingers.
  • Open right nostril and exhale through this side.
  • Inhale through right nostril and then close this nostril.
  • Open left nostril and exhale through left side.
  • This is one cycle.
  • Continue for up to 5 minutes.
  • Always complete the practice by finishing with an exhale on the left side.

You can do alternate nostril breathing at any time and place that feels most comfortable to you. You may find that you enjoy doing it in the morning or evening. It can also be done during the day when you need to focus or relax.

Alternate nostril breathing is best done on an empty stomach. Don’t practice alternate nostril breathing if you’re sick or congested.

Alternate nostril breathing can be done before or after youryoga practice. Find the way that suits you best as people have different results and experiences. Or you can do it at the start of your meditation practice. This may help you to deepen your meditation.



Breathing techniques aren’t a substitute for medical treatment. Always talk with your doctor before beginning any breathing practice, especially if you have any medical concerns or conditions.