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When you were a child and had asore throat, a throat lozenge just seemed to erase the pain. Now, however, your sore, scratchy throat can persist for days or weeks, no matter how you treat it.

When your sore throat is irritated as a result of anallergic reactionto airborne particles, such aspollen, treatment becomes a little more complicated.

Addressing the precise cause of your allergies can help you alleviate that sore throat once and for all.

Postnasal dripis the main culprit in cases of allergy-induced sore throat.

It’s the result of exposure to an allergen and occurs when congestion in the nose and sinuses drains down to the throat. This causes tickling or scratchy pain.

The drainage also can cause:

Many allergies, such aspollen allergies, areseasonal.

If you experience symptomsyear-round, your symptoms will worsen during seasons where the amount of airborne irritants is high. These irritants can include pollinating flowers and trees during springtime.

Other common allergens and irritants include:

Allergy symptoms generally include:

If you have a sore throat withfeverand body aches, it’s likely the result of aviral infection, such as thecoldorflu.

Scratchiness is another way to determine if you have an allergy-induced sore throat.

In addition to the “raw” feeling that results from postnasal drainage, particles that directly enter the respiratory system can cause an itchy or scratchy feeling.

Preventing allergies is essential in alleviating a sore throat and other related symptoms. The first step is to limit your exposure to the allergens as much as possible.

Avoid known irritants, such as cigarette smoke and pet dander, when you can. Keep your windows closed or wear a surgical mask outside to protect yourself from airborne allergens during the worst seasons of the year.

You can’t always avoid allergens, though. This is when medications and allergy shots can help.


Over-the-counter (OTC) antihistamines, such as loratadine (Claritin) andcetirizine(Zyrtec), may be taken daily during the worst times of the year to alleviate allergy symptoms.

These medications work by preventing the body from mounting a histamine-based response to the allergens that attack your system.

The histamine response is what causes your allergy symptoms in the first place, and it’s triggered when you have an allergic reaction.

Your doctor may recommend a prescription-strength medication if your allergies aresevereor consistent.

They also may recommenddecongestantsornasal spraysto help prevent postnasal drip that can lead to sore throats.

Shop forloratadineandcetirizineonline.

Allergy shots

Anallergistcan performtests, such asskin prick testsand blood tests, that will tell you exactly what you’re allergic to.

Not only can this help you avoid those allergens, but it can also help determine whether you’re a candidate for immunotherapy, includingallergy shots.

An allergy shot regimen consists of small doses of the allergen that will, over time, reduce your body’s reaction to it. This long-term treatment can help you sustain a mostly symptom-free life.

According to theAmerican Academy of Family Physicians, most people need one to two build-up shots per week over the course of 6 months. Monthly maintenance shots are typically required for 3 to 5 years.

Natural remediesare popular ways to soothe sore throat symptoms. While they won’t cure the postnasal drip causing the sore and scratchy feeling, they can provide temporary relief.

is always recommended for any congestion problems. Dryness worsens the problem. Not only does drinking plenty of fluids help keep the throat moist, but it also helps thin the mucus.

Warm liquid

Warm liquids, such as soups andhot teas, can provide comfort to a sore throat.Gargling with warm salt watercan also help soothe it.

Stay away from caffeinated beverages when you have a sore throat, though. Caffeine can be an irritant.

Neti pots

Using aneti potentails pouring a specially formulated salt and water solution directly into your nasal cavity.

This remedy flushes out your sinuses and can help relieve congestion. Just be aware that overuse can cause further problems.

Shop for a neti pot online.

o allergy-induced喉咙痛可能消失nce you’re no longer exposed to allergens. Still, this is easier said than done.

If your symptoms are preventing you from leading a comfortable life, an allergist may be able to help you find relief. If left uncontrolled, allergy symptoms can eventually lead to other complications, includingsinusitis.