Is wheezing an allergy symptom?

常见的过敏症状包括鼻塞,流鼻涕,眼睛发痒,皮肤刺激,消化问题,在严重情况下,危及生命的免疫反应称为过敏反应。Another symptom of allergies can be mild wheezing, a whistling sound that’s made when you breathe.

喘息is normally associated with asthma. Asthma and some allergic reactions are similar in that they affect the airways and lungs. This can make the airways swollen and narrow, sometimes causing mucus to form.

过敏和sthma share some symptoms and often occur together. The same substances that cause allergies — such as pet hair, pollen, and dust mites — can also trigger asthma symptoms.

See your doctor if you’re wheezing. They can determine if the symptoms are caused by allergies, asthma, or something else.

过敏occur when the body reacts abnormally to certain substances that are otherwise harmless. When the body comes into contact with these substances, the immune system begins producing antibodies. This leads to the production of other chemicals in the body, like histamine. These chemicals cause allergy symptoms along with inflammation. The reason the body attacks some substances in some people but not others isn’t fully understood.

For some people, allergic reactions affect the lungs and airways. This can lead to asthma symptoms, including wheezing.



  • 您是第一次喘着气,甚至是轻度喘息的声音
  • 您的喘息反复出现
  • 你喘着气,但没有过敏史


  • is accompanied by difficulty breathing, rapid breathing, or bluish skin color
  • starts suddenly after you’re stung by a bee, have taken medication, or have eaten an allergy-causing food (serious food allergies are often related to shrimp, shellfish, nuts, milk, egg, soy, and wheat)
  • starts after you choke on a small object or piece of food
  • is accompanied by hives or swelling of your lips or face



  • Spirometry。这可以衡量与健康肺相比的肺功能。
  • 峰流。This test that measures how hard you can breathe out. If your airways are narrowing, this number will be lower than expected.

Additional tests to diagnose the cause of wheezing include:

  • 甲基酚挑战e. Your doctor will administer methacholine, a substance that triggers asthma. If you react to the methacholine, you likely have asthma.
  • Nitric oxide test。Your doctor will use a special device to measure the amount of nitric oxide gas you have in your breath. High levels of nitric oxide in your breath may indicate that your airways are inflamed.
  • Imaging tests。您的医生可能会订购成像测试,例如chest X-raysCT扫描您的肺和鼻腔腔(鼻窦)寻找可能引起喘息的任何身体问题或疾病。
  • 过敏测试。Your doctor will perform a skin or blood test to identify whether or not your body reacts to common allergens, such as pet hair, dust, pollen, molds, and common foods. If your doctor identifies allergy triggers, they might recommend allergy shots (immunotherapy) to help minimize your allergic reactions.
  • 痰嗜酸性粒细胞。您的医生会要求您咳出称为痰液的排放,这是肺部的粘液。他们将在显微镜下查看它,以检查某种称为嗜酸性粒细胞的白细胞。当哮喘症状出现时,这些细胞就存在。
  • 运动和冷诱导哮喘的挑衅性测试。您的医生将在运动前后测量您的肺功能或冷空气挑战


If they suspect you have allergies, your doctor may ask you to keep a detailed diary of the foods you eat, symptoms, and possible allergy triggers other than food. If diagnostic tests suggest you have asthma, your doctor will classify its severity using a symptom-based scale:

  • Mild intermittent:您每周不超过两天的轻度哮喘症状,并且每月不超过两个晚上。
  • 轻度持久:您每周经历哮喘症状超过两次,但并非每天都有每月三到四次的夜间症状。
  • Moderate persistent:您每天经历哮喘症状,每周一晚以上,但每天晚上都不是。
  • Severe persistent: You experience asthma symptoms throughout the day on most days and almost every night.

Treatment plans for allergies and asthma vary. When addressing wheezing as a symptom of allergies or asthma, it can be minimized with medications or the use of an inhaler.

Home treatments for wheezing

  • Add moisture to the air by using a humidifier, taking a steamy shower, or sitting in the bathroom with the door closed while running a hot shower.
  • 喝很多液体,尤其是温暖的液体,例如茶,咖啡或汤。这有助于增加水分,从而松开气道中的粘性粘液。
  • 避免烟草烟雾,因为第一手和二手烟都会增加喘息和炎症。
  • Take all of your prescribed medications for your allergies or asthma to minimize your wheezing.

Taking all of your prescribed medications and avoiding your allergy or asthma triggers can help keep wheezing at bay. Medications are usually effective at alleviating wheezing.
