
过敏和哮喘是美国最常见的两种慢性疾病。哮喘是一种呼吸系统疾病,会导致气道变窄并使呼吸困难。它影响 13人中有1人 .

A wide range of factors can trigger symptoms for the50 million生活在室内和室外过敏的美国人。

What many people may not realize is that there is a link between the two conditions, which often occur together. If you experience either condition, you can benefit from learning about how they are related. Doing so will help you limit your exposure to triggers and treat your symptoms.

Both allergies and asthma can cause respiratory symptoms, such as coughing and airway congestion. However, there are also symptoms unique to each disease. Allergies may cause:

  • 水状的眼睛
  • sneezing
  • runny nose
  • scratchy throat
  • rashes and hives


  • chest tightness
  • wheezing
  • 呼吸困难
  • coughing at night or in the early morning

Allergy-induced asthma

许多人在没有另一种情况的情况下经历了一种状况,但是过敏可以恶化或触发哮喘。当这些疾病与之紧密相关时,它被称为过敏或过敏性哮喘。它是美国诊断出的最常见的哮喘类型。它影响60 percent of people with asthma.

Many of the same substances that trigger allergies can also affect people with asthma. Pollen, spores, dust mites, and pet dander are examples of common allergens. When people with allergies come into contact with allergens, their immune systems attack the allergens the same way they would a bacteria or a virus. This often leads to watery eyes, runny nose, and coughing. It can also cause a flare-up of asthma symptoms. Therefore, it can be helpful for people with asthma to closely watch the pollen count, limit time spent outside on dry and windy days, and be mindful of other allergens that may induce an asthmatic reaction.

Family history affects a person’s chances of developing allergies or asthma. If one or both parents have allergies, it’s much more likely that their children will have allergies. Having allergies such as hay fever increases your risk of developing asthma.


  • Montelukast (Singulair) is a medication primarily prescribed for asthma that can help with both allergy and asthma symptoms. It’s taken as a daily pill and helps to control your body’s immune reaction.
  • Allergy shots work by introducing small amounts of the allergen into your body. This allows your immune system to build up tolerance. This approach is also called immunotherapy. It usually requires a series of regular injections over several years. The optimal number of years has not been determined, but most people receive injections for at least three years.
  • 抗免疫球蛋白E(IgE)免疫疗法靶向引起过敏反应的化学信号。通常仅适用于中度至严重持续性哮喘的人,标准疗法尚未起作用。抗神经疗法的一个例子是奥马珠单抗(Xolair)。

It’s important to note that while there is a strong connection between allergies and asthma, there are many other possible asthma triggers to be aware of. Some of the most common nonallergenic triggers are cold air, exercise, and other respiratory infections. Many people with asthma have more than one trigger. It’s good to be aware of different triggers when you’re trying to manage your symptoms. The best defense against allergies and asthma is to pay attention to your own triggers, as they can change over time.

By being informed, consulting with a physician, and taking steps to limit exposure, even people with both asthma and allergies can effectively manage both conditions.