

It happens when someone feels that they’re extra-sensitive to电磁场(EMFS)。通常只是称为辐射,EMF由Wi-Fi路由器,计算机等电子设备释放,microwave ovens, and other home appliances.


  • 头晕
  • headaches
  • 刺痛

It’s thought that the first reports of EHS occurred in the mid-1900s. The former Soviet Union said that radar technicians and military technicians working with radio experienced EHS, then known as “microwave syndrome.”

The name “electromagnetic hypersensitivity” first appeared in 1991. Since then, many people have said they have EHS, especially as electronics have become more popular.



EHS is a controversial topic in the medical field. Currently, there’s no evidence that links EMFs and the perceived symptoms of EHS. There’s also no reliable research explaining how EMFs may cause such symptoms.

在一个 2019年评论 ,研究人员分析了28项盲化的实验研究,检查了EMF和EHS症状之间的联系。他们分析了每个研究的优势和局限,以及数据的可靠性。

According to the researchers, studies suggesting that EMFs may cause negative symptoms had various limitations. This included issues like failing to screen participants for conditions that may cause EHS symptoms or unreliable statistical analyses.


在一个2018年研究,通过自诊断的EHS人员接触到来自移动和无线电系统的EMF,以及假(假)信号。参与者在他们的时候报告了更多的症状想法每个站都在 - 这表明他们无法判断他们何时接触到EMF。

Another 2017 study found similar results. Participants with self-reported EHS were exposed to EMFs and fake frequencies in a random pattern. None of the participants could indicate when they were being exposed to real EMFs.

据A. 2020点评 ,信仰EMF有害可能导致anocebo effect。这是当一个人因对治疗的负面信念而经受治疗的消​​极症状时发生的。


Some people report being hypersensitive to EMFs from Wi-Fi. However, Wi-Fi allergies are not real. There’s no strong evidence that proves people can be allergic to Wi-Fi signals.

What’s more, research hasn’t found a clinically sound relationship between EHS symptoms and Wi-Fi.



Symptoms due to EHS have been ruled out by research, though. Studies haven’t found a connection between EMF exposure and the symptoms above. Instead, scientists speculate that symptoms of EHS may be due to undiagnosed physical or psychological conditions.

因为EHS不是一个正式的诊断,有no standard treatment for the condition. Still, a doctor can do several things to ease your symptoms.

According to the 世界卫生组织 (世卫组织),治疗应包括以下措施:

治疗of underlying conditions

A doctor will likely start with a medical evaluation to learn more about your symptoms. The goal is to detect and treat any disorders that might be causing your symptoms.



You may be asked to meet with a mental health professional. They can identify and treat underlying psychological conditions that may be contributing to your symptoms.

A mental health expert can also provide the following to help you manage your thoughts about EMFs:


Environmental factors in your home and workplace may lead to perceived EHS symptoms. Consequently, you might be asked to modify your environment in these areas.


  • 通过获得一个减少室内空气污染除湿机,削减回来smoking, 或者是其他东西
  • decreasing excess noise
  • 改善差的照明
  • 添加符合人体工程学的元素

EHS is a self-reported condition that hasn’t been proven by science. It’s defined by unpleasant symptoms, like headaches and pain, triggered by exposure to electronic devices.

Recent research has found no evidence that EHS exists. Some scientists think people have negative symptoms because they believe electromagnetic fields are harmful.
