一种lcoholic hepatitis is an inflammatory condition of theliver在延长的一段时间内由重饮酒消耗引起的。持续的酒精使用和狂欢饮酒都可以加剧这种情况。

If you develop this condition, it’s important that you consider stopping alcohol use gradually. Continued drinking can lead to additional health conditions, such as肝硬化,过度出血,甚至liver failure.

什么时候alcoholgets processed in the liver, it produces highly toxic chemicals. These chemicals can injure the liver cells. This injury can lead to inflammation and, eventually, alcoholic hepatitis.

一种lthough heavy alcohol use can lead to alcoholic hepatitis, experts aren’t entirely sure why the condition develops in some people but not in others.

一种lcoholic hepatitis develops in a minority of people who heavily use alcohol —不超过35%根据美国肝脏基金会的说法。它也可以在仅适度使用酒精的人中开发。

Because alcoholic hepatitis doesn’t occur in all people who heavily use alcohol, other factors may influence the development of this condition.


Women typically have a greater risk of developing alcoholic hepatitis. This may be due to the differences in how their bodies absorb and break down alcohol.

The symptoms of alcoholic hepatitis can vary, depending on the amount of damage to your liver. If you have a mild case of the condition, you may not experience any symptoms.

一种s more damage occurs, you may begin to experience:

The symptoms of alcoholic hepatitis are similar to those caused by other health conditions. If you develop any of these symptoms, you should contact your doctor to get a proper diagnosis and begin treatment.

If you have symptoms of alcoholic hepatitis, your doctor will ask you about your health history and alcohol consumption. They’ll also perform a体检帮助确定您是否有扩大liver要么spleen.


医生会要求你liver biopsyto confirm a diagnosis of alcoholic hepatitis. A liver biopsy requires your doctor to remove a tissue sample from the liver. It’s an invasive procedure with certain inherent risks, but biopsy results can show the severity and type of liver condition.

一种lcohol use both causes and worsens alcoholic hepatitis, so a diagnosis of alcoholic hepatitis means you may want to consider停止饮酒gradually. Quitting drinking can help reduce symptoms and prevent further damage to your liver.

In the early stages of the condition, avoiding alcohol may even help reverse liver damage. Once more significant damage has occurred, the changes to your liver may become permanent.

Even if the damage is too severe to reverse, quitting drinking could prevent further harm to your liver.

  • 一种ccording to 2017 research , people with permanent liver damage due to heavy alcohol use who continued drinking had a 30 percent decrease in survival rate, compared to people who stopped drinking.

Other treatment options might include:

  • Getting support for quitting drinking.If you have analcohol addiction和need help to stop drinking, talk with your doctor about the different treatment options for addiction. Hospitals and clinic facilities can offer inpatient and outpatient support for alcohol detoxification and recovery.
  • Taking medication.Your doctor may prescribe medications such as corticosteroids or pentoxifylline to help reduce inflammation in your liver and improve liver function. In a small 2018 study ,肌肉松弛剂Baclofen还表明有望帮助高级肝病的人减少酒精使用并保持清醒,但FDA尚未批准这种使用。
  • 尝试维生素和营养补充剂。如果您营养不良,请为您的饮食添加更多的营养,可以改善您的健康和恢复。一种feeding tubecan help you get enough nutrients, even when you’re having trouble eating, by passing nutrient-rich liquids directly into your digestive system.
  • 一种肝脏移植.一种肝脏移植may be an option if your liver is severely damaged. To qualify for a transplant, you must show a commitment to staying sober after receiving a new liver. You’ll also need to stop drinking at least 6 months before the transplant.
  • 咨询。Your doctor may also recommend counseling as part of treatment. Support from a therapist can’t address your physical symptoms, but it can go a long way toward improving emotional well-being and helping you learn new coping skills to overcome alcohol cravings and avoid drinking.


Cirrhosis of the liver


If you develop肝硬化由于含重的酒精使用,酒精性肝炎可能会变得更糟。肝硬化也可以提高肝癌的风险。

Esophageal bleeding

Scar tissue slows down the flow of blood in your liver, raising overall blood pressure within your liver and weakening surrounding blood vessels in your stomach and esophagus.



This conditioninvolves a buildup of fluid in your abdomen. You might notice a tender or swollen abdomen, pain or discomfort, and trouble breathing.

Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis

The fluid that builds up in your abdomen can get infected. When this happens, it’s known asspontaneous bacterial peritonitis,这是一种医疗紧急情况。当您第一次注意腹水症状时,获得治疗可以帮助降低风险。

Hepatic encephalopathy

This conditionoccurs when the toxins typically filtered out by your liver remain in your bloodstream. These toxins can cause brain injury and lead to acoma.

Organ failure

Over time, alcoholic hepatitis can damage your kidneys as well as your liver. Without treatment, these organs may fail.

Other complications

一种few other potential complications include:

Your outlook depends on three main factors:

  • 症状的严重程度
  • 肝脏损害量
  • 你是否停止饮酒

一般来说,如果你的症状温和而你逐渐停止喝酒,你的前景通常很好。实际上, research suggests mild cases could be reversed if you avoid alcohol entirely.

If you continue drinking, your symptoms will eventually get worse, which will negatively affect your chances for recovery.

Severe alcoholic hepatitis is fatal within about 6 months for 40% 发展病情的人。像肝脏脑病这样的并发症也可以恶化了这一前景。

The best way to prevent alcoholic hepatitis is to avoid alcohol or drink only in moderation. Moderate drinking is defined as less than two drinks per day for men and less than one drink per day for women.

您还可以通过采取措施来保护自己来降低风险hepatitis Bhepatitis C. The bloodborne viruses that cause these conditions can be transmitted in several ways, including shared needles or razors and through body fluids during sex. Currently, vaccines are available for hepatitis B, but not for hepatitis C.

Your healthcare team may also recommend certain lifestyle changes based on your specific symptoms and health needs.


  • eating a balanced diet low in salt
  • 喝足够的水
  • 向您的饮食添加更多蛋白质
  • 常规体力活动, such as walking, if you’re able to exercise

Following these recommendations can improve symptoms and make a difference in your outlook.


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