
The effects of ADHD can vary from person to person. To be diagnosed with ADHD, symptoms must have an impact on your day-to-day life. Here’s what to know about the different types of ADHD plus how they’re diagnosed and treated.

ADHD is divided into three main types:

  • 注意力不集中
  • hyperactive-impulsive type
  • combination type

Each type of ADHD is tied to one or more characteristics. ADHD is characterized by inattention and hyperactive-impulsive behavior.

These behaviors often present in the following ways:

  • 注意:分心,集中精力和组织能力不足
  • Hyperactivity:never seeming to slow down, talking and fidgeting, difficulties staying on task
  • Impulsivity:interrupting, taking risks


The symptoms you experience will determine which type of ADHD you have.

Inattentive type

If you have this type of ADHD, you may experience more symptoms of inattention than those of impulsivity and hyperactivity. You may struggle with impulse control or hyperactivity at times. But these aren’t the main characteristics of inattentive ADHD.

People who experience inattentive behavior often:

  • miss details and are distracted easily
  • get bored quickly
  • have trouble focusing on a single task
  • have difficulty organizing thoughts and learning new information
  • lose pencils, papers, or other items needed to complete a task
  • 似乎不听
  • move slowly and appear as if they’re daydreaming
  • 与其他人相比,处理信息更慢,更准确
  • have trouble following directions

More girls are diagnosed with inattentive type ADHD than boys.

Hyperactive-impulsive type


People who are impulsive or hyperactive often:

  • squirm, fidget, or feel restless
  • have difficulty sitting still
  • talk constantly
  • touch and play with objects, even when inappropriate to the task at hand
  • have trouble engaging in quiet activities
  • 不断“旅途”
  • are impatient
  • act out of turn and don’t think about consequences of actions
  • 脱口而出答案和不适当的评论

Children with hyperactive-impulsive type ADHD can be a disruption in the classroom. They can make learning more difficult for themselves and other students.

More boys are diagnosed with the hyperactive-impulsive type than girls.

Combined type


Most people, with or without ADHD, experience some degree of inattentive or impulsive behavior. But it’s more severe in people with ADHD. The behavior occurs more often and interferes with how you function at home, school, work, and in social situations.

Most children have combination type ADHD, according to the National Institute of Mental Health 。与女孩相比,这种类型在男孩中更为常见。学龄前儿童中最常见的症状是多动症。


The exact cause of ADHD is unknown. Although some have speculated that ADHD develops in response to factors like eating too much sugar, watching too much TV, or living in a chaotic environment, research has not found evidence to support these claims.


  • brain injury
  • exposure to toxins, like lead, either in pregnancy or from a young age
  • alcohol or tobacco use during pregnancy
  • 早产或低出生体重


多动症会影响任何人,但这是 在男性中是普遍的两倍

Symptoms of ADHD typically start to crop up at a young age, between ages 3和6 , with the average age of diagnosis being 7年s old 。Approximately 9.4 percent 在美国所有儿童中,被诊断出患有多动症。

Though ADHD also occurs in adults. An estimated 4.4% of adults in the United States are living with ADHD, but 研究建议 these numbers are on the rise.




除了显示注意力不集中的模式,hyperactivity-impulsivity, or both, the DSM-5 states that to be diagnosed, a person’s symptoms must be displayed before 12 years of age. They must also be present in more than just one setting, like at both school and home.

Symptoms must also interfere with everyday life. And these symptoms can’t be explained by another mental disorder.


After you’ve been diagnosed, there are a number of treatment options available. The primary goal of treatment is to manage ADHD symptoms and to promote positive behaviors.


Your doctor may recommend behavioral therapy before starting any medications. Therapy can help people with ADHD replace inappropriate behaviors with new behaviors. Or help them find ways to express feelings.

Parents can also receive behavior management training. This can help them manage their child’s behavior. It can also help them learn new skills for coping with the disorder.

Children under age 6 usually start with behavior therapy and no medications. Children ages 6 and up may benefit most from a combination of behavior therapy and medications.

Other therapeutic options, like cognitive behavioral therapy, family or marital therapy, meeting with and ADHD coach, or trying classroom management interventions may also be helpful for adults or children with ADHD.


Online therapy options

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Medications are available to help reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity and improve the ability to focus, work, and learn, as well as physical coordination.

There are two types of ADHD medications: stimulants and nonstimulants.

兴奋剂是最常见的ADHD药物。它们通过增加大脑中的化学物质的产生来快速工作,从而帮助思维和注意力。之间 70 to 80 percent of children have fewer symptoms while taking these medications.

Though stimulants do come with side effects, such as:

  • anxiety or irritability
  • 食欲下降
  • headaches
  • 血压升高
  • 睡眠问题
  • 肚子疼
  • tics

Some nonstimulant medications are also available for treating ADHD. These can also be used to help improve focus, attention, and impulsivity. But they don’t work as quickly as stimulants.

Nonstimulants are a good option for those who aren’t seeing improvements or are experiencing negative side effects with stimulants.

Adults with ADHD often benefit from the same treatments as older children.

It’s important to work closely with your doctor to determine the best treatment or combination of treatments and the right dosage to help your ADHD.

ADHD is not preventable. To help reduce the risk of ADHD in children, expectant mothers should practice healthy habits and avoid smoking or substance abuse during pregnancy. It’s also recommended to avoiding toxins like lead.

Though even then, the baby may still go on to develop ADHD at some point.


You may be able to manage ADHD with therapeutic options, medication, or both. But treatment isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. It’s important to work with your doctor if you think your treatment plan isn’t helping you.