Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that causes various hyperactive and disruptive behaviors. People with ADHD often have trouble focusing, sitting still, and controlling their impulses.

ADHDaffects millions of children every year, and in many cases the condition continuesinto adulthood.

The disorder is much more commonly diagnosed in boys thangirls, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) .

On the other hand, prevalence in adult men is only slightly higher than prevalence in adult women.

Theexact causeof ADHD is unknown.

However, researchers believegeneticsand certain environmental factors may contribute to its development. There’s no cure for ADHD, but several treatments can help to reduce the severity of symptoms.

Symptoms of ADHD can appearin children as young as 2 years old, and they usually decrease with age.

Common symptoms of ADHDinclude:

  • having trouble focusing or staying on task
  • daydreaming often
  • appearing not to listen
  • 有困难在迪rections or finishing tasks
  • losing or forgetting things easily
  • having problems organizing tasks and activities
  • frequentlyfidgetingor squirming
  • talking excessively
  • regularly interrupting other peoples’ conversations or activities
  • being impatient and easily irritated

ADHD symptoms can affect many areas of life.

People with the condition often have difficulties with school,work, andrelationships. They’re also more likely to have coexisting conditions, such asanxiety,depression, and sleep disorders.

Sleep disordersare believed to be one of the most common types of coexisting conditions among adults and children with ADHD.

Estimates vary, but they may affect anywhere from 25 percent to over 70 percent of children andadultswith ADHD.

Researchers aren’t exactly sure why ADHD and sleep disorders often occur together.

However, it’s believed that the symptoms of ADHD can make it challenging to settle down enough to fall or stay asleep. This can cause a variety of sleep problems that make it difficult to get a good night’s rest.

Recent researchalso suggests that genetics and structural brain abnormalities may play a role.

ManyADHD medicationsare also stimulants. This can cause sleep issues, especially if they’re taken later in the day.

A lack of sleep can aggravate some ADHD and ADHD-related symptoms. However, poor sleep quality usually affects children and adults differently.

When children don’t get enough sleep, they usually become more hyperactive. Adults, on the other hand, typically feel more fatigued and have a lack of energy.


The termsleep architecturerefers to the way you cycle throughthe stages of sleepeach night.

Researchers haven’t been able to identify consistent differences in the sleep architectures of people with ADHD and people without ADHD.

Sleep disorders are defined as conditions that interfere with the ability to sleep well on a regular basis.

Most adults require 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night, according to theNational Sleep Foundation (NSF). Toddlers and older children may need 8 to 14 hours, depending on their age group.

Common sleep disorders among people with ADHD include:

  • insomnia
  • restless legs syndrome (RLS)
  • sleep apnea


Insomniais a sleep disorder that makes it difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep, or both. People with insomnia usually don’t wake up feeling rested. This can make it hard for them to function normally throughout the day.

Insomnia can affect your:

  • mood
  • energy levels
  • overall quality of life

It tends to become more common with age, as changes in sleep patterns and general health occur.

Symptoms of insomniaoften include:


Restless legs syndrome (RLS), also known as Willis-Ekbom disease, is characterized by an overwhelming need to move one’s legs. This desire is usually triggered by leg discomfort, such as throbbing,aching, oritching.

These uncomfortable sensations often occur at night, especially when a person is lying down. Moving can make the discomfort go away temporarily.

RLS can affect people of any age, but it typically becomes more intense as time goes on. It may make sleeping difficult, which can result indaytime sleepinessandfatigue. The symptoms of RLS include:

  • an uncomfortable sensation in the legs that begins after lying down or sitting for a long period of time
  • having an irresistible urge to move the legs
  • leg discomfort that temporarily subsides when the legs are moved
  • twitching or kicking the legs during sleep
  • waking up from sleep due to leg movements

Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder in which breathing temporarily stops during sleep. People with sleep apnea often snore loudly and feel tired even after a full night’s rest.

There are three main types of sleep apnea:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea.This typewhich occurs when the muscles in the throat relax abnormally.
  • Central sleep apnea.This typeoccurs when the brain doesn’t send the right signals to the muscles that control breathing.
  • Complex sleep apnea syndrome. This type occurs when someone has both obstructive and central sleep apnea at the same time.

While there are different types of sleep apnea, they all share the same common symptoms.



ADHD is also closely associated withnarcolepsy, a rare disorder that’s characterized by nodding off andexcessive daytime sleepiness.

According to a 2020 literature review,33 percentof people with narcolepsy experience symptoms of ADHD.

Doctors must take extra care when screening for sleeping problems in people with ADHD. Sleep disorders and ADHD have overlapping symptoms, which can lead to misdiagnosis.

如果有人用ADHD complains of sleeping problems, their doctor will request a thorough sleep history.

This involves asking the person about:

The doctor may also give them a sleep diary. They’ll be asked to use the diary to record their sleeping habits over several weeks.

If the doctor suspects a sleep disorder, they may order different diagnostic tests. There are two main tests used to diagnose sleep disorders.

Nocturnal polysomnography test

Anocturnal polysomnography testis done in a laboratory while a person sleeps. The person is connected to equipment that monitors vital signs as well as activity in the heart, lungs, brain, and legs during sleep.

People with sleep disorders:

  • usually have a shorter overall sleep time
  • 移动四肢更多的睡眠
  • may exhibit other irregular behaviors while sleeping

Home sleep test

As the name suggests, this test is done at home. It’s performed in the same manner as a nocturnal polysomnography test.

The person will be given the monitoring equipment to use at home while they sleep. Abnormal vital sign measurements, movements, and breathing patterns tend to indicate a sleep disorder.

In people with ADHD, it’s important to establish a good treatment plan for sleep disorders. This often involves psychotherapy or medical treatments that help promote normal sleep.

Some common psychotherapy techniques include:

  • cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT),which can show you how to manage or eliminatefeelings of anxietyand thoughts that keep you from falling asleep
  • relaxation techniques,such asmeditationanddeep breathing exercises, which can help reduce stress before bedtime
  • stimulus control,which can teach you how to limit the time you spend in bed while not sleeping so you only associate your bed with sleep
  • sleep restriction,where you intentionally limit the time that you spend in bed lying awake or not sleeping
  • light therapy,which can help reset your internal clock so that you fall asleep at a later or more appropriate time

Somemedical treatmentsthat can help with sleep disorders include:

Making certain lifestyle adjustments is also important.

Somelifestyle changes and home remediesthat can help with sleep disorders include:

Having a sleep disorder in addition to ADHD isn’t easy. However, with the right treatment and lifestyle modifications, you can greatly reduce your ADHD symptoms and improve your sleep.