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Healthcare providers usually diagnose this condition in childhood. However, some people aren’t diagnosed untiladulthood.

The three main characteristics of a person withADHDare:




  • 高度不耐烦
  • 静静地执行任务困难
  • 很难按照说明
  • losing things frequently
  • 通常看起来好像没有注意
  • 说话看似不间断

ADHD can be difficult for a person to live with. Some people think those with ADHD are “out of control” or difficult because they have trouble following directions.

虽然ADHD可能意味着行为的挑战,the condition has proven to be an advantage to some.


Examples of these traits include:

  • Being energetic.Some individuals with ADHD often have seemingly endless amounts of energy that they’re able to channel toward success on the playing field, in school, or at work.
  • Being spontaneous.一些患有多动症的人可以将冲动变成自发性。它们可能是党的生活,或者可能更开放,愿意尝试新事物并摆脱现状。
  • Beingcreative and inventive.与ADHD一起生活可能会使该人对生活有不同的看法,并鼓励他们以周到的眼光处理任务和情况。结果,一些患有多动症的人可能是创造性的思想家。描述它们的其他词语可能是原创,艺术和创造性的。
  • 被关注。根据某些患有多动症的人可能会变得过度关注研究. This makes them so intently focused on a task that they may not even notice the world around them. The benefit to this is that, when given an assignment, a person with ADHD may work at it until its completion without breaking concentration.




一个小的2006 studypublished in the journal Child Neuropsychology found that ADHD sample groups displayed greater levels of creativity in performing certain tasks than their peers without a diagnosis of ADHD.


A2017 studyexplored creativity in adults with ADHD. Study participants were asked to come up with new ways to use a belt, book, tin can, and towel.



Previous research also suggests that rewards and competition may be useful motivators for people with ADHD.

These findings help to support the idea that those with ADHD are often creative and innovative.


In a2017 study,患有多动症的人更有可能报告自己在性能领域(例如,在公共场合表演或演奏音乐)或机械/科学领域(例如,设置实验)比艺术领域(例如,绘制图片绘制图片)of something they’ve never seen, like an alien).

Many people with ADHD have turned their unique behavioral challenges into well-known success. Athletes with ADHD may even use the extra energy toward their respective fields.


  • musician Adam Levine
  • 演员Channing Tatum
  • 音乐家戴夫·格罗尔(Dave Grohl)
  • 政治评论员詹姆斯·卡维尔
  • musician Justin Timberlake
  • 舞厅舞者Karina Smirnoff
  • journalist Lisa Ling
  • swimmer Michael Phelps
  • 企业家理查德·布兰森(Richard Branson)
  • 宇航员和美国参议员斯科特·凯利
  • baseball player Shane Victorino
  • 体操运动员西蒙妮·比尔斯(Simone Biles)
  • 音乐家Solange Knowles
  • NFL名人堂成员特里·布拉德肖(Terry Bradshaw)
  • soccer player Tim Howard
  • TV host Ty Pennington
  • actress and musician Zooey Deschanel

A diagnosis of ADHD doesn’t have to put a person at a disadvantage in life.

Instead, ADHD can and has contributed to the success of many performers, athletes, and businesspeople. There are many people who’ve reached the pinnacle of their respective fields with ADHD.

ADHD is a highly manageable condition, and a number oftreatmentsare available to help improve a person’s concentration and behavior. These includemedications治疗.

When taught adaptive techniques to help with time management and organization skills, people with ADHD are able to achieve better levels of concentration.