


Adderallis a stimulant and alcohol is a depressant. This does not mean that the two substances cancel each other out. Instead, they compete with each other in your body. This effect can cause serious problems.


Adderall can dull the symptoms of being drunk. So people who use Adderall and alcohol together are often not aware of how much alcohol they’ve consumed. This can lead to over-drinking and related consequences such as alcohol poisoning and risky behavior.

Heart problems


  • 提高你的体温
  • 增加你的心率
  • 增加你的血压
  • 导致心率不规则

Behavioral issues


You should not drink alcohol during treatment with Adderall. Not only can combining the two cause dangerous effects on your body, but it may also make your ADHD worse.

People with ADHD may have a problem in the parts of the brain that link to self-control, attention, critical thinking, and impulsivity. Symptoms of ADHD include:

  • trouble concentrating and staying on task
  • 冲动
  • 烦躁不安
  • 不耐烦
  • 轻松分心
  • 忘记
  • disorganization

ADHD is also linked with lower levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in your brain. These are known as the feel-good neurotransmitters. They are part of your body’s reward system. Both chemicals kick in when you experience something positive. This can include falling in love, getting a promotion, or winning a prize.

为了更好地管理症状,ADHD的人可能会转向酒精或其他物质。在短期内,酒精可以 增加多巴胺水平 , which may appear to ease ADHD symptoms.

Over time, however, alcohol use actually depletes dopamine. This can make your ADHD worse. People with ADHD should not drink alcohol due to this effect.

Stimulant drugs like Adderall are the first-line treatment for people with ADHD. Adderall is one of the most commonly prescribed ADHD medications. It’s a blend of several different amphetamine salts.


Some people may wonder if using a stimulant leads to substance abuse even when you use it with a prescription. In reality, if you have ADHD, taking a stimulant medication may actually reduce your risk of drug and alcohol abuse. A study in儿科在物质使用障碍的风险上看着ADHD精神药物的影响,例如Adderall。该研究发现,用刺激剂对ADHD治疗的人有85%的物质使用障碍风险降低。该研究还发现未经治疗的ADHD是物质使用障碍的显着危险因素。


Though Adderall is safe when it’s used the right way, the medication can be abused. According to a study inSubstance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy,非医疗使用ADHD药物正在上升。该研究表明,超过7%的成人年龄18至49岁滥用的ADHD药物。同样的研究发现,超过一半的人受到滥用药物的虐待药物也在使用药物时喝酒。

The largest group abusing these drugs is full-time college students. Students may use the drugs in an effort to perform better in school and reduce their need to sleep. According to theNational Survey on Drug Use and Health,almost 90 percent of students who abuse Adderall also binge drink alcohol.


Adderall and alcohol make a dangerous combination. Mixing the two can lead to alcohol poisoning, heart problems, and behavioral issues. Alcohol can also make your ADHD worse. Many people who abuse Adderall also abuse alcohol. Even if you have a prescription for Adderall, you should not drink alcohol during treatment.