Adenoiditis is an inflammation of the adenoids caused by infection. Adenoids are masses of lymphatic tissue that help the body fight infection.

Adenoids are found in the throat, also called the pharynx, just behind the nose. Along with the tonsils, adenoids are the first line of defense against bacteria and viruses.



Adenoiditis may begin as a swelling or enlargement of the adenoids. The swelling may block or restrict your airways. It can also make it difficult to breathe through your nose.

Other problems associated with swollen adenoids include:

  • 说话时,疯了,仿佛你正在通过你的鼻子说话
  • sore or dry throat from breathing through the mouth
  • 通过嘴呼吸感觉比通过鼻子呼吸更舒适
  • snoring during the night or any time you sleep
  • symptoms of infection, such as a runny nose that produces green or discolored mucus

Adenoiditis can be caused by a bacterial infection, such as infection with the bacteria链球菌。它也可能是由许多病毒引起的,包括Epstein-Barr virus, adenovirus, and rhinovirus.

Certain risk factors can make you susceptible to infections of the adenoidal tissues. These may include:

  • recurring infections in the throat, neck, or head
  • infections of the tonsils
  • 与空中病毒,细菌和细菌接触

Children are more susceptible to adenoiditis. This is because adenoids progressively shrink through childhood. By the time you reach your late teen years, your adenoids are generally gone.


Your ENT will most likely perform a physical examination to determine where the infection is located. They’ll also ask about your family history to determine if your condition is hereditary.

Other tests can include:

  • 使用拭子进行咽喉检查以获得细菌和其他生物的样本
  • 血液测试以确定生物体的存在
  • X-rays of your head and neck to determine the size of your adenoids and extent of infection





Glue ear (middle ear infection)



Your sinus cavities may fill up with fluid and become infected. The sinuses are the hollow areas within the facial bones around your eyes and nose that contain pockets of air.


You may experience a chest infection, such as肺炎要么bronchitis,如果您的腺样腺样被患有病毒或细菌的腺样。感染可能蔓延到肺部系统中的肺部,支气管和其他结构。



  • 抗生素不要变得更好
  • have recurring infections
  • 与潜在的健康问题一起,如癌症或喉咙和颈部的肿瘤
  • 导致呼吸和吞咽问题


There are a few things you can do to try to prevent adenoiditis. Eating healthy foods and drinking plenty of fluids is important. Also, getting enough sleep can help. Using good hygiene practices can minimize the chance of infection.

If your child has symptoms of adenoiditis or problems with their throat, seek the advice of their pediatrician.