Just because a doctor prescribes a pill doesn’t mean that it’s safe for everyone. As the number of issued prescriptions rises, so do the rates of people misusing prescription drugs.


吸毒成瘾是一个组成部分吸毒障碍。这是一种可能影响你的大脑和行为的疾病,使得难以控制你对药物的使用。有些人沉迷于非法娱乐药物, 如可卡因要么heroin。然而,您也可以沉迷于您的医生规定的药物。如果您沉迷于处方药,即使导致您伤害,您也可能强制使用它。

Some prescription drugs are more addictive than others. Most addictive drugs affect your brain’s reward system by flooding it with dopamine. This results in a pleasurable “high” that can motivate you to take the drug again. Over time, you might become dependent on the drug to feel “good” or “normal.” You might also develop a tolerance to the drug. This can push you to take larger doses.

Read on to begin learning about prescription drugs that are commonly misused.

阿片类药物produce a euphoric effect. They’re often prescribed for疼痛。阿片类药物滥用的迹象和症状可能包括:


羟考酮通常以品牌名称oxycontin出售。它也与乙酰氨基酚组合出售percocet.。It changes how yourcentral nervous system (CNS)响应痛苦。



疑要通常规定治疗轻度至中度疼痛。它还与其他药物相结合治疗感冒和流感症状。For example, it’s commonly found in处方强度咳嗽糖浆

When consumed in high quantities, codeine-based cough syrup has a sedative effect. It can also cause altered levels of意识。它为被称为“紫色醉酒”的非法药物混合物提供了基础,“Sizzurp”或“瘦”。这种混合物还含有苏打水,有时是糖果。


芬太尼是一种合成的阿片类药。它为急性和慢性疼痛规定,通常是人癌症。根据这一点 疾病控制和预防中心(CDC) , it’s 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine. It creates feelings of euphoria and relaxation.

芬太尼也是非法制造的,作为非法娱乐药物销售。在许多情况下,它与海洛因,可卡因或两者混合。2017年10月, CDC reported that fentanyl is involved in over half of opioid-relatedoverdose跨越10个州的死亡。



Meperidine is a synthetic opioid. It’s often sold under the brand name Demerol. It’s typically used to treat moderate to severe pain. Like other opioids, it produces feelings of euphoria.

根据这一点 CDC ,2,666名美国人在2011年死于药物中毒,这些药物中毒涉及除美沙酮以外的阿片类药物,如哌替啶或芬太尼。


If you’re addicted to opioids, you’ll likely develop退出停止使用它们时的症状。戒断症状可能包括:

CNS抑制剂包括巴比妥酸盐benzodiazepines。They’re also called tranquillizers and have a calming effect. Signs and symptoms of misuse include:


alprazolamis a benzodiazepine. It’s commonly sold under the brand nameXanax.。它被规定对待焦虑恐慌障碍。It depresses your CNS, which has a calming effect. Some people misuse it for its fast-acting sedating effects.

根据这一点 CDC ,四倍以上,许多美国人于2015年在2015年死于2002年,从过量的血统中涉及苯扎齐嗪类动物。在许多这种情况下,人们将苯二氮卓卓和阿片类药物结合后死亡。

Alprazolam滥用的其他迹象和症状包括睡眠,swelling手或feet, andtremors


Clonazepam.Diazepam.are benzodiazepines. They’re used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. They’re also used to对待癫痫发作。Clonazepam通常以品牌名称Klonopin出售。diazepam通常出售为廉价

像Xanax一样,这些药物常常滥用他们的镇静作用。它们产生的“高级”,可以觉得类似于的effects of alcohol。例如,他们可能导致醉酒,谈话和放松的感觉。

人们与其他药物结合统治Xanax,Klonopin或Valium并不罕见。根据这一点 CDC ,涉及苯二氮卓类药物和阿片类药物的过量死亡人数超过2002年至2015年之间的四倍。



If you’re addicted to CNS depressants, you’ll likely develop withdrawal symptoms when you stop using them. Withdrawal symptoms may include:




Products that contain amphetamine are often misused for their energizing effects. For example,Adderallis a product that combines amphetamine and葡聚糖。It’s often misused by people are sleep-deprived, such as truck drivers, shift workers, and college students working on deadlines. According to a study from the密歇根大学, 9 percent of college students in 2012 reported misusing Adderall.



与Adderall类似,甲基酚是影响CNS的兴奋剂。它通常以品牌名称出售rialin。It increases levels of dopamine in the brain, which helps improve attention. It’s used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy. Like other stimulants, it can be habit-forming.

One reason that Ritalin and other prescription stimulants are commonly misused is their availability. According to the数据包络分析, more than 13 million prescriptions formethylphenidate在2012年填写。





Do you suspect that someone you love is misusing prescription medications? It’s important for them to get professional help. Their doctor or mental health specialist might recommend counseling. They might also refer your loved one to an intensive rehabilitation program. In some cases, they might prescribe medications to help curb drug cravings or relieve symptoms of withdrawal.


For more information on drug addiction, including potential treatment options, visit these websites: