
Acute respiratory failure occurs when fluid builds up in the air sacs in your lungs. When that happens, your lungs can’t release oxygen into your blood. In turn, your organs can’t get enough oxygen-rich blood to function. You can also develop acute respiratory failure if your lungs can’t remove carbon dioxide from your blood.


两种类型的急性和慢性的respiratory failure are hypoxemic and hypercapnic. Both conditions can trigger serious complications and the conditions often coexist.


Hypercapnic.respiratory failure means that there’s too much carbon dioxide in your blood, and near normal or not enough oxygen in your blood.



People with low oxygen levels may experience:

People with acute failure of the lungs and low oxygen levels may experience:

Acute respiratory failure has several different causes:


When something lodges in your throat, you may have trouble getting enough oxygen into your lungs. Obstruction can also occur in people with慢性的obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)或者asthma当加重导致气道变窄时。


损害或妥协呼吸系统的伤害可能对血液中的氧气产生不利影响。例如,对此的伤害spinal cord或者can immediately affect your breathing. The brain tells the lungs to breathe. If the brain can’t relay messages due to injury or damage, the lungs can’t continue to function properly.

An injury to the肋骨或者chestcan also hamper the breathing process. These injuries can impair your ability to inhale enough oxygen into your lungs.

Acute respiratory distress syndrome

Acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS) is a serious condition characterized by low oxygen in the blood. ARDS affects you if you already have an underlying health problem such as:


Drug or alcohol abuse

If you药物过量服用或者drink too muchalcohol,你可以削弱大脑功能并阻碍你呼吸或呼气的能力。


Inhaling toxic chemicals, smoke, or fumes can also cause acute respiratory failure. These chemicals may injure or damage the tissues of your lungs, including the air sacs and capillaries.




感染是呼吸窘迫的常见原因。Pneumonia特别是,即使在没有ARDS的情况下,也可能导致呼吸失败。根据这一点Mayo Clinic, in some cases pneumonia affects all five lobes of the lungs.


  • 烟雾烟草产品
  • drink alcohol excessively
  • 拥有呼吸系统疾病或条件的家族史
  • sustain an injury to the spine, brain, or chest
  • 有一个受损的免疫系统
  • 有慢性(长期)呼吸问题,如cancer of the lungs,慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)或哮喘



  • 执行A.体检
  • ask you questions about your family or personal health history
  • check your body’s oxygen and carbon dioxide levels level with apulse oximetry设备和动脉血气测试
  • 或者der achest X-rayto look for abnormalities in your lungs

治疗usually addresses any underlying conditions you may have. Your doctor will then treat your respiratory failure with a variety of options.

  • 您的医生可以规定止痛药或其他药物,以帮助您更好地呼吸。
  • 如果您可以自己充分呼吸,并且您的低氧血症是温和的,您可以接受氧气来自氧气罐,帮助您更好地呼吸。如果您的条件需要一个便携式空气箱。
  • If you can’t breathe adequately on your own, your doctor may insert abreathing tube进入你的嘴或鼻子,将管子连接到呼吸机,以帮助您呼吸。
  • If you require prolonged ventilator support, an operation that creates an artificial airway in the windpipe called a气管造口术may be necessary.
  • You may receive oxygen via an oxygen tank or ventilator to help you breathe better.

You may see improvement in your lung function if you get appropriate treatment for your underlying condition. You may also require pulmonary rehabilitation, which includes exercise therapy, education, and counseling.
