Achalasia cardiais a swallowing disorder that falls into an unusual category. It’s both very rare as well as one of the most common causes of motor-related swallowing difficulty.

病情仅影响 全球每100,000人1.6人 , although these numbers seem to be increasing.

本文将探讨Achalasia Cardia的人会发生什么,导致这种情况以及可以做些什么来治疗它。

Achalasia cardiais a rare condition that affects the食管。这是将食物和液体从口腔移至胃的管。

一个t the base of this tube, leading into the stomach, there is a ring-shaped muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter. This muscle is drawn tightly closed when you aren‘t eating to prevent food and gastric juices from bubbling up into the esophagus and causing tissue damage. When you are eating, this sphincter relaxes, allowing food to push past it and into the stomach for digestion.

In people with achalasia cardia, there is a problem with the way this muscle opens and closes. This causes swallowing problems, which can lead to a host of other symptoms and complications.

adalasia cardia的症状。Wenzdai Figueroa的插图

Achalasia cardia的主要症状是吞咽困难。将您的喉咙与肚子分开的肌肉开口在应该的情况下并不开放。这会导致食物被困在食道中,最终可以回到口腔中。


  • 轻度的胸痛即将来临
  • regurgitation of food from the esophagus back into the mouth
  • 食物从食道流入肺(aspiration)
  • 晚上咳嗽
  • 干嘴和眼睛

营养不良这些症状可能导致体重减轻,但是患有adhalasia cardia的人也可能会出现诸如肺炎from aspirating (inhaling) food into their lungs. The risk of developingesophageal cancer在患有这种情况的人中似乎也更高。

没有人真正确定是什么原因导致adhalasia cardia,但可能会损害有助于喉咙,胃和其他部分消化系统功能的神经。是什么损害这些神经并使它们完全失去功能是一个谜,但是有一些理论认为遗传学,自身免疫性疾病甚至感染可能起作用。

关于谁发展了这种疾病,实际上没有模式。阿法西亚心脏病似乎主要影响性别和种族,并且主要是成年人发生的疾病。这种情况最常见的是在您的20和50年代之间发展, 小于2%至5% of cases appearing in children under age 16.

When genetics are suspected as a cause in very rare forms of this condition, peopleassigned出生时的男性受影响的可能性是指定女性的两倍。具有以下特征的人也更有可能受到影响:


Diagnosis of achalasia cardia may take some time, simply because of how rare the condition is. If you are having trouble swallowing or regurgitating undigested food — the two most common early symptoms of the condition —your doctor will start by asking you questions about your personal and family health history, as well as any new symptoms you’re having.


仅一项体格检查是不过,通常足以诊断出achalasia cardia。通常,将执行以下测试,以更好地了解吞咽时发生的事情:

  • X-ray imaging检查消化系统的结构。
  • 喝钡溶液后成像(钡燕子研究) to follow the path of swallowed foods and liquids.
  • 食管测量法to measure the force and efficiency of muscle contractions in the throat.
  • 上胃肠道(GI)endoscopy直接了解您的食道。

治疗Achalasia cardia的主要目标是缓解吞咽问题并防止并发症。由于这种情况的根本原因是完全理解,确实有任何旨在真正预防或纠正achalasia cardia的治疗方法。


Surgical treatments

低风险的人手术complications, treatments can include the following procedures:

  • 气动扩张。将气球插入食管并扩大以扩大食道括约肌的开口。接受此程序的人通常需要及时重复。
  • Laparoscopic Heller myotomy (LHM).手术称为fundoplication这将胃组织在食道的底部上,绕过下括约肌。这被认为是achalasia cardia的一线治疗97%患者对此程序做出反应。
  • Peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM).一个tube is passed down through your mouth, and a small incision is made to open and loosen the lower esophageal sphincter. This procedure is effective but often reserved for specific types of achalasia cardia, including when other treatments have failed.



In some cases, medications like muscle relaxers and isosorbide or硝苯地平are used to relieve achalasia cardia symptoms. Diet changes to the thickness and textures of foods and liquids may also help.

Botulinum toxin通过内窥镜管的应用也是一种选择。这种治疗通常是为无法忍受手术或健康前景不太有利的人保留的。

Achalasia cardiais considered an incurable, chronic neurologic disorder. Even with treatment, this condition will require lifelong monitoring and treatment.



Even after surgery, some lifestyle and diet changes may be needed, like:

  • 试图吃小饭
  • 在直立的位置进食
  • avoiding lying flat
  • 将头保持在30至45度角度以防止抽吸

尽管无法治愈Achalasia cardia,但总体预后对大多数患有这种疾病的人有好处。一个 typical life expectancy is possible with lifelong monitoring and occasional treatments.

Achalasia cardiais a chronic condition in which the muscle at the base of the throat where food enters the stomach is too tight. This can cause food and liquids to back up in the throat.

Surgeries to loosen this muscle are an option for treatment but usually need to be repeated over time.

无法治愈Achalasia cardia,但是这种疾病的人通常可以通过定期监测和治疗来正常使用寿命。