Some people may choose to keep wearing masks even when the pandemic is over. Filippo Bacci/Getty Images
  • Now that the United States population is building immunity through vaccinations, some might wonder if we’ll still be wearing face masks on the other side of the pandemic.
  • Public health officials have been loosening mask requirements.
  • Some people may choose to keep wearing a mask in public settings for many reasons including wanting to protect others from infections, and find relief from social anxiety.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit ourcoronavirus hub并跟随我们实时更新页面有关COVID-19-19大流行的最新信息。



Masks have, for the duration of the pandemic, served as protective shields against COVID-19.






“Since millions have been wearing masks, the common cold and flu virus in the last year was significantly less [prevalent] compared to years before,” saysBindiya Gandhi博士, an integrative and family medicine physician based in Atlanta, Georgia.

Asian countries have a悠久的历史戴着口罩的人可以防止空气传播感染。在2003年的SARS爆发之后,这种做法在亚洲变得更加普遍。

“It seems likely and sensible that many people will continue to wear masks after the immediate threat of COVID-19 has subsided,” says大卫·卡特勒博士, a family medicine physician at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California.


经常有社交焦虑的人害怕判断或批评from other people, and a mask can act as a physical and psychological barrier.

A 2020 study from Poland found that mask wearing was linked to lower levels of anxiety.



Gandhi suspects that masks will become widely adopted during air travel and public transportation.




我们可能会看到更多的人 - 包括免疫功能低下或潜在的健康状况的人 - 在公共场所戴口罩。

“The likelihood of mask wearing will be greatest for the people who are most vulnerable, when the disease threat is greatest, and when circumstances make them more fearful,” Cutler said.

大流行向我们表明,面罩可以有效防止传染病的传播 - 不仅是Covid-19,而且还可以防止流感和普通感冒。

每年, 流感 在美国,大约140,000至810,000次住院和最多61,000人死亡。如果更多的人在流感和寒冷的季节戴着口罩,我们可以大大减轻年复一年的疾病负担。

Years from now, we will likely see some people continue to wear masks in public settings.

“Wearing a mask can be equated to wearing a seatbelt or stopping smoking. It saves lives, costs little, and is risk free,” says Cutler.

Now that the United States population is building immunity through vaccinations, some might wonder if we’ll still be wearing face masks on the other side of the pandemic. Though mask wearing will likely decline after the pandemic, many will likely choose to keep wearing a mask in public settings to avoid getting sick, protect others from infections, and find relief from social anxiety.