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Multiple COVID-19 vaccine candidates are in phase 3 trials right now. Getty Images
  • The Trump administration announced their plan to release a COVID-19 vaccine for free.
  • CDC监督疫苗分布过程,因为它是为各国提供指导的组织,并负责发运疫苗。
  • 国家将与当地合作医疗departments and refer to the guidance as they develop their own vaccine distribution process.

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特朗普政府发布了一个 57-page playbook on Wednesday detailing how the government plans to provide free vaccines for all U.S. citizens.


The new playbook urges states to develop their vaccine storage, distribution, and tracking plans by evaluating successes and shortcomings with past vaccination campaigns such as the 2009 H1N1 pandemic vaccination response plan.

Jurisdictions have a month to submit a plan.


Groups like healthcare workers and older adults with underlying conditions will likely get vaccinated first. As more vaccines become available, health officials will need to determine who else takes priority.

It’s unclear when there would be enough vaccines available for the entire U.S. population, but the vaccine will be rolled out in three phases and likely take several months. It is very possible even if the vaccine is approved this year that most Americans will not have access to the vaccine till late next year.

The vaccine will be given in two doses 21 and 28 days apart.

The playbook also states that the vaccine will be free for all Americans, including those who don’t have health insurance.


The CDC has released three documents to help states develop strategies to store, administer, and track vaccines.

The documents include a规划清单,疫苗可用性的潜在情景, 和considerations for storing and allocating vaccine doses.

Though the CDC will provide guidance, it will ultimately be up to each state to figure out how they will handle the vaccination process.

“各国有主要的权威,在司法管辖区中控制危险疾病的传播,”Dr. Purnima Madhivanan, an infectious disease epidemiologist and associate professor at the Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health at the University of Arizona.

Officials inNew Yorkhave already declared they won’t recommend a vaccine until they’ve reviewed the science. Other states may follow suit.


The CDC ultimately oversees the vaccine distribution process, as it’s the organization providing guidance to states and will be responsible for shipping out the vaccines.

But all official distribution decisions, such as how and where to store and administer vaccines, will happen at the state level.


“It’s guidance, it’s used loosely, it’s a guide to say, ‘hey, this is how you should best [operationalize] your process for mass vaccination under this scenario or this threat,’”Daniel B. Fagbuyi博士, an emergency physician and Obama administration biodefense and public health advisor, told Healthline.

国家将与当地合作医疗departments and refer to the guidance to operationalize their own vaccine distribution process.

Fagbuyi says each state’s planning process will be “all hands on deck” and require the collaboration of emergency managers, healthcare workers, administrative leaders, hospitals, healthcare coalitions, homeland security, and community leaders.

“[States] have to be able to say, ‘OK, we’re going to receive the vaccines on which day, how much supply, where are we going to put it, the duration of effectiveness of the vaccine, the shelf life of the vaccine as it has to be stored in ice,” Fagbuyi said.


亚瑟caplan.,博士,纽约Grossman医学院医学伦理学家和教授人口健康部, suspects nailing down a distribution process could get complicated in states with conflicting politics.



The federal government will provide the vaccine in addition to ancillary supplies like swabs and syringes.

However, states will have other expenses that they will have to cover.

States need funds to pay for staff, space, and supplies, says Fagbuyi.

Traditionally, states would receive funds from the federal government for national emergencies.

The federal government has previously fortified states with grants, according to Fagbuyi, but states aren’t sure if they should expect more funding or not.

Many states face a lack of funding during the pandemic and need fiscal support to get this vaccine out into communities.


各国将在各种疫苗施用疫苗 points of dispensing ,或豆荚。


There are also closed PODs, which would be organized and located at an organization or private facility such as a Walmart, CVS, hospital, or church.

“You can actually reach a bigger number of the population by doing both,” Fagbuyi said.


Fagbuyi says public-private partnerships “move the needle” and allow for funding or space that states otherwise might not have.

Caplan is concerned that the storing process may be complicated and could hamper efforts to distribute the vaccine.


“Even though the word went out to get ready, it doesn’t mean that refrigerators are present in every rural town,” Caplan said.

It could be especially difficult to find these sorts of cooling sites in rural areas, where resources run thin.

There’s also a challenge with vaccinating older adults. For one, they often require higher vaccine doses to activate their immune response, so it’s unclear what percentage of the initial doses should be allocated to them, says Caplan.

Furthermore, older people who live in nursing homes are often unable to get themselves to vaccine providers. The same goes with people in prisons and homeless shelters.

Fagbuyi says states will need to develop plans to bring the vaccine to these at-risk groups, perhaps by a mobile unit that comes to them.

Caplan says even when a process is nailed down, there are more obstacles to consider.



“I would assume they’ll prioritize which states according to where the outbreaks are, and that will lead to some backlash partly because states will just say we want it too and don’t favor anybody,” Caplan said.


On top of it all is the widespread skepticism people may have in a vaccine.

Some estimates suggest nearly美国人口的三分之二don’t feel comfortable receiving the vaccine when it becomes available.

Health experts say we need at least around 80 percent of the population to be immune to COVID-19 to get a handle on the outbreaks.

With testing still ongoing, more data is needed to ensure a potential COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective. And some people are worried the vaccine will be rushed to market due to political pressures.



When a vaccine becomes available, it’s going to take a lot of education and persuasion to get people to sign up. Messaging will be key, says Fagbuyi.

There will be a lot of hoops to jump through to pull everything together. There are still a lot of unknowns about the vaccine and local health officials are scrambling to come up with a plan of action.

“The reason nobody knows what is going on… is because there is no plan,” says Madhivanan.

特朗普政府发布了一个 playbook 详细了解政府计划为所有美国公民提供免费疫苗。
