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  • CDC发布的新工具和资源包括有关学校如何安全重新开放的详细建议。
  • The CDC pushed for school reopenings due to the setbacks — socially, emotionally, and behaviorally — kids can experience from a prolonged lack of in-person learning.
  • 疾病预防控制中心(CDC)的一份新声明上周引起了一些争议,因为有人说这太政治了。

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疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)发布了 new guidance last week encouraging schools to reopen in the fall.


In a 陈述 posted Thursday, the CDC says children are less likely to experience a severe form of COVID-19. The statement also drew controversy as some, including theAmerican Federation of Teachers,称其为公开的政治。

The CDC pushed for school reopenings due to the setbacks — socially, emotionally, and behaviorally — kids can experience from a prolonged lack of in-person learning.

Additionally, children are thought not to be a primary source of transmission, according to the CDC.

A spokesperson with the CDC told Healthline that the new guidelines lay “out the evidence about kids’ infectivity and the impact of reopening schools in other countries. It also lays out the importance of school for students, with emphasis on mental, social, and emotional health.”


“COVID-19 is a new disease that we learn more about every day. As CDC learns more we will continue to update our guidance, resource, and tools to ensure that we are providing the best available data and science to help slow and ultimately stop the spread of COVID-19,” the CDC spokesperson said.



看看某些夏令营发生的事情。甚至坚持安全措施的营地— like physical or social distancing, mask-wearing, and handwashing — had to shut down due to COVID-19 outbreaks.

In Florida, some experts attribute the感染率上升在儿童到夏令营。

另一方面,我们还没有看到营养中心开放的重大问题。Dr. Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease physician and senior scholar for Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security.

Health experts say reopening schools is a tricky course to navigate and should be executed carefully on a local level.



Dr. Thomas Murray, a Yale Medicine pediatric infectious disease doctor and associate professor at Yale University School of Medicine, says it’ll take careful planning and preparation.

“While I agree in-person education is preferred and has many advantages, it is not straightforward. The risks of COVID-19 spread must be weighed against the benefits of in-person education,” Murray said.





根据亨氏的说法recent study发现10至19岁的孩子与成年人一样传播病毒。

甚至if children spread the virus less readily, some doctors still expect we’ll see new surges tied back to school reopenings.

“孩子们可能不会传播病毒adults, but there will still be an increase in new cases once schools reopen in an area, as other countries have observed,” Heinz said.

Adults who work in the schools will have an increased risk for getting sick as will those who have close contact with kids and their teachers, Heinz notes.

“Unfortunately, I do not think there is a one-size-fits-all recommendation that makes sense,” Murray said.


First is the level of transmission in the community. “The more disease in the community, the higher the risk of bringing large groups together and increasing exposure and continuing disease transmission,” Murray said.


For a school to safely reopen, Heinz says a region must have reduced infections for at least 2 weeks.

The second factor to consider is the preventive measures the school is able to enforce — like mask-wearing, physical distancing, and outdoor activities.

Adalja says schools will need to consider forming learning pods, adjusting how kids access cafeterias, and staggering drop-off times.

The CDC released 步骤学校可以接受 to mitigate the risk of exposure. They include tips for “cohorting,” or putting students into “pods” where they only interact with a small group of peers.







The CDC published a 清单 last week to help families, guardians, and caregivers plan and prepare for the school year.

Families living with an older or immunocompromised person should weigh the risks and benefits of their children going back to school.

Heinz says if any families are especially vulnerable, children may want to continue their education from home.

If the kids do go back to school, at-risk family members should be isolated for their protection, Heinz says.

“Unfortunately, asymptomatic transmission means that a child who appears well could unknowingly spread disease to high-risk close contacts,” Murray said.

Adalja says those who don’t feel comfortable sending their kids back to school should have a comparable at-home option.


“It’s going to be hard, and it’s going to be individualized,” Adalja said, “but we have to find a way to make schools safe in this environment.”

The CDC released new resources and tools regarding how schools can safely reopen in the fall.

