尽管目前同时开发Covid-19和流感的可能性很低,但这是可能的,有些人可能比其他人面临更大的风险。Adene Sanchez/Getty图像
  • “ Flurona”是一个术语,它是为了描述一个人何时同时患有流感和covid-19。
  • While it’s not clear how sick having both viruses could make people, medical experts say at-risk populations should take measures to protect themselves against both the flu and COVID-19.
  • Getting the flu shot and COVID-19 vaccines are the best way to reduce your risk of severe complications from both viruses.

本月,以色列的一名孕妇被诊断出患有流感和库维德19岁,这使她成为第一个被记录在案的案例,即所谓的“ flurona”。


“去年,根本没有太多的流感,因此去年没有太多机会了解这些同时感染。”Dr. William Schaffner, professor of preventive medicine and infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, told Healthline.

当前的 疾病中心控制器ls and Prevention (CDC) data 表明该国的流感季节至少平均严重程度。沙夫纳说,这种严重性可能是“实质性的”,但与19与Covid-19结合使用时可能是有害的。

With more businesses opening up, less physical distancing, and more children attending in-person school, the flu virus can now circulate more easily.


“They are back in school, so it will be spread there and then they bring it home and give it to their parents, Aunt Susie, grandparents, neighbors,” he said.

With COVID-19 cases high, the entire healthcare system is under stress, and if flu takes off, it could put an even greater stress on the healthcare system.


Dr. Laura Boyd, a primary care physician at Elmhurst-Edward Health Center in Addison, Illinois, said her health system is bogged down with COVID-19, and a surge of the flu will tax it further.

“We are already short-staffed due to illness within our own staff, and our call loads have doubled along with the need for office visits,” Boyd told Healthline.


“We have seen a lot of coinfections of COVID-19 and strep throat lately,” she said.

While scientists know it’s possible to develop COVID-19 and influenza at the same time, it’s too early to determine exactly how sick flurona could make people.

“We don’t know if getting both the flu and COVID will make you really sick, but I’d worry if I was predisposed to pneumonia, or if I were more likely to be hospitalized because I have the two infections,” said Schaffner.

However, he points out that both influenza and COVID-19 strike the same groups most seriously, including older people, those with obesity, compromised immune systems, and underlying conditions, such as diabetes, lung disease, heart disease, and more.

Because COVID-19 is rampant across the United States, looking into how much influenza is in your community can help determine your risk for flurona.

“Although in general, flu is picking up now across the country, it hits areas at different times, so we would expect to see some more reports about [flurona] as influenza spreads across the country,” said Schaffner.


“As I’ve been out promoting the flu shot, there is a general finding of people forgetting about flu because they’re so concentrated on COVID, and there is also real vaccine fatigue, which is understandable,” he explained.




The CDC states that it’s safe to get both vaccines at the same time.

“After you get the two vaccines, you are likely to have two sore arms, but it doesn’t appear that you’re going to get more headache, fever, body aches — all which occur more frequently with the COVID vaccine than flu,” said Schaffner.