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Experts say fitness trackers can provide motivation and accountability. Tom Werner/Getty Images
  • Researchers say people living with diabetes, heart disease, and obesity can increase their physical activity levels by using fitness trackers.
  • 专家表示,跟踪人员可以提供问责制,并帮助各级的人们激励自己。
  • They advise people not to fixate on the tracker numbers but instead use them as an overall guide.

wearingfitness trackers可以帮助人们与肥胖、糖尿病和心脏吗disease boost physical activity levels.

That’s the finding from an analysis 本周在Jama Network开放了。


Devices such as pedometers or trackers that count steps were associated with greater levels of physical activity in about 70 percent of the studies examined.

即使有了明显的改进,参与者仍然没有达到突出的最低体育活动建议 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Scientific Report by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and in other recommendations from global governments and agencies.


“动机通常是灌输和保持的最严重的习惯之一,特别是在慢性或非囚勉的压力期间,”Nancy Lin, PhD, a holistic nutritionist and fitness consultant associated with YogaSix GO.

“Coming out of a pandemic or beginning a new fitness routine can be daunting, and keeping motivated, especially when introduced to something new, can sometimes taper and or dissolve as soon as expectations of the outcome are met with challenge,” she told Healthline.


“Pedometers and other devices allow people to monitor that activity for progress themselves,” said拉里诺兰博士, a sports medicine physician at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. “It also provides a means to share with healthcare professionals some data points as well.”

“Even if the tracker isn’t perfectly estimating your distance covered or steps taken, it can provide a platform to compare days/activities,” he told Healthline.

“I believe it’s important for people to recognize that it may be difficult for them and to again make it about their own personal journey,” said Nolan.

“The same motivating factors for your family or friends may not work for you,” he added. “Take an introspective look and prioritize what you want first.”



Nolan’s fitness goal-setting tips include:

  • Add in walks during your lunch break or short walks after dinner or before you start your day.
  • 了解家庭和工作义务可能是困难的,但您的健康需要成为您生活中的优先事项。
  • 请记住,挫折或伤害是好的。
  • Don’t forget to reward yourself.
  • Focus on positive moves (i.e., if you’ve increased 1,000 steps even though you’re not at your goal yet).
  • Try to be better the next day.






For example, some people may tend to eat more thinking they’ve burned a certain number of calories that may be overestimated, he says.




“This will help increase possible cognitive inflexibility, alleviate excessive self-control, and raise self-compassion,” Lin explained.

Lin’s tips for using trackers without fixating on the numbers or goals:

  • 在他们成为您的问题之前,承认和学习哪种破坏性强迫特征要留意。
  • Listening to mindfulness or guided meditations or podcasts on how to calm the mind is beneficial (i.e., the“Braincation with Dr. Nancy Lin”播客)。



For instance, he says, some people walk 10,000 steps per day with their job. These steps are broken up and often not at a cardiovascular benefit. That same person using only the fitness tracker may think they have increased their activity, although they’ve simply begun to count the steps they were already taking.
