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  • 一项新的研究表明,吃蔬菜可能对心脏病的风险影响不大,但其他专家说,多样化的饮食仍然很重要。
  • Researchers analyzed the diets of nearly 400,000 U.K. adults.
  • 他们发现,吃更多的蔬菜,尤其是煮熟的蔬菜,并没有降低人们患心脏病发作,中风或其他心脏病的风险,或者因这些疾病而死。



“Our large study did not find evidence for a protective effect of vegetable intake on the occurrence of CVD [cardiovascular disease],”Qi Feng牛津大学纳菲尔德人口卫生系的流行病学家博士,博士陈述.

While the observational study showed that eating raw vegetables provided some protection against cardiovascular disease, eating cooked vegetables did not.


“Our analyses show that the seemingly protective effect of vegetable intake against CVD risk is very likely to be accounted for by bias from residual confounding factors, related to differences in socioeconomic situation and lifestyle,” said Feng.

The study was published on Feb. 21 in the journalFrontiers in Nutrition.

Other experts, though, say this doesn’t mean you should pass on the vegetables.

Because this is an observational study, it can’t show that eating more vegetables doesn’t boost heart health, only that there is a connection between the two, given the type of analysis used in the study.

“The key problem with an observational study like this is that people who eat different amounts of vegetables will differ, on average, in terms of many other factors as well,”凯文·麦康威(Kevin McConway), PhD, an emeritus professor of applied statistics at the Open University, said in a陈述.


Or they may be eating more vegetables because they are already at risk of heart disease and are trying to improve their health.


These people already have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, which could dampen the apparent effect of eating vegetables on their risk of heart- and blood vessel-related conditions.


In addition, measuring the benefit of one component of the diet can be difficult because when a person eats more vegetables, they eat less of something else.

他们所吃的少量对他们的健康产生不同的影响 - 将水果换成蔬菜可能对心脏健康的影响较小,而不是切掉红肉。

McConway said the way the researchers analyzed the data doesn’t allow for this kind of food-substitution effect.

The new study used data from the英国生物库,一项长期研究在英国近50万成年人。


On average, people reported eating 5 tablespoons of vegetables each day.

But that is a tiny fraction of the recommended amount of vegetables for adults.

On average, people in the study consumed one-eighth of the recommended amount of vegetables.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that adults eat about 2.5 cups of vegetables each day or about 40 tablespoons.


“简而言之,本文绝对不应改变建议,每天至少吃五个水果和蔬菜。”纳维德·萨塔尔(Naveed Sattar), PhD, a professor of metabolic medicine at the University of Glasgow, said in a陈述.


维多利亚泰勒, a registered dietitian at the British Heart Foundation, said multiple factors are involved in determining the risk of cardiovascular disease, all of which need to be addressed.

“Adopting a whole-diet approach to the way we eat — such as the traditional Mediterranean-style diet — together with addressing our lifestyle, which includes not smoking, being physically active and managing our weight, are important to reducing the risk of heart and circulatory conditions,” she said in a陈述.