医疗保健工作者向女性施用Covid-19疫苗 Share on Pinterest
Researchers say COVID-19 vaccines have proven to be effective as well as safe. Pedro Portal/El Nuevo Herald/Tribune News Service via Getty Images
  • In a new study, researchers say COVID-19 vaccines were shown to be effective against all variants of the novel coronavirus.
  • In another study, researchers say side effects from the vaccines were for the most part mild and short-lived.
  • 专家说,新的研究表明,如果出现新变体,则需要持续监视和促进剂量的潜在需求。

新的 研究 backs up what many experts reported seeing during the height of the Omicron surge over the winter.

Booster vaccine doses of the two mRNA vaccines — Pfizer and Moderna — were necessary to adequately protect people from the latest dominant variant.


This comes as more 研究 得出结论,在最初6个月内服用的近3亿个mRNA Covid-19疫苗剂量的大多数副作用都是轻度的,并在几天内解决。


The research on vaccine effectiveness, published in the British Medical Journal, also provides insight into vaccination schedules as the virus that causes COVID-19 continues to mutate and potentially develop new defenses around the vaccines.

Researchers from top universities and medical institutions across the United States looked at the records of nearly 12,000 adult patients admitted to 21 hospitals between March 2021 and Jan. 2022. Of those patients, more than 5,700 tested positive for COVID-19.

The researchers looked at how well vaccine effectiveness fared with either the Alpha, Delta, or Omicron variants.

The Omicron surge peaked at about807,000 new cases1月中旬或传统度假季节后的几周后的一天。


研究人员发现,使用世界卫生组织(WHO)开发的量表来评估一个人在医院的生病程度,发现两剂mRNA疫苗使某人在65%的机会中不需要住院治疗COVID-19期间的症状。Omicron Wave。

此外,三剂给他们带来了85%的机会 - 与两剂给予他们对抗Alpha和Delta变体的机会相同。

Despite the study being observational — meaning they can’t draw a clear line between cause and effect — the research team concluded that mRNA vaccines “were associated with strong protection against hospital admissions with COVID-19 due to the Alpha, Delta, and Omicron variants.”

Researchers also said that a booster shot “is critical for protecting populations against COVID-19-associated morbidity and mortality.”

The researchers say as the novel coronavirus continues to evolve, studies like theirs that evaluate vaccine effectiveness will be necessary, including surveillance programs that identify new variants.

Jagdish Khubchandani, PhD, a professor of public health science at New Mexico State University, said the study was done in “a nearly real-world setting” and confirms what the world saw during the Omicron surge this winter.

In general, he said, the Omicron variant is less lethal compared to the previous variants, but two doses are not as adequate for Omicron compared to Alpha and Delta.

“So, the boosters seem to be an appropriate strategy, and my guess is that if we have more variants in the future, additional doses may be required,” Khubchandani told Healthline. “It could also be possible that by the time the Omicron variant surged, immunity dwindled in individuals vaccinated during the earlier phases of the rollout, necessitating a booster dose.”


“Even to a varying extent, the mRNA vaccines certainly provide protection against severe infection, hospitalization, and death,” he said.

Dr. David M. Cutler, a family medicine physician at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California, says there’s now no doubt that the COVID-19 vaccines prevent illness, hospitalization, and death.

但他补充说’s “truly unfortunate” that we continue to label a third dose — or second, for the non-mRNA Johnson & Johnson shot — as a “booster” dose.

“This word suggests extra or unnecessary, when in fact it is quite essential to preventing illness, hospitalization, and death,” Cutler told Healthline. “Unfortunately, the CDC definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ still means only two mRNA vaccines and one J&J vaccine. This recent study and many others have demonstrated that full protection come only with getting a booster.”

Fady Youssef博士,肺科医生,内科医生,and critical care specialist at MemorialCare Long Beach Medical Center in California, said one critical point the new research doesn’t point out is regarding patients with no symptoms or mild symptoms who were not hospitalized.

“这是占一个重要点,考虑到by most accounts Omicron was more transmissible but resulted in lower hospitalizations,” he told Healthline.

Youssef says the study further supports that mRNA vaccines have offered “significant protection” against severe and critical COVID-19 illness and death.


Meanwhile, the new peer-reviewed meta-analysis that appeared in the journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases suggests the data collected under the federal government’s vaccine reaction reporting system supported the clinical data that bolstered the overall safety of the vaccines.

The study data shows that the Moderna and Pfizer doses given to people remain, overall, remarkably safe.

The researchers looked at data from the nearly 8 million people enrolled in the CDC’s v-safe program , which it developed specifically for the COVID-19 vaccines. They found that less than 1 percent of participants — 56,647 after dose one and 53,077 after dose two — reported the need to seek medical care.

The Lancet study — which was designed and carried out by CDC researchers — reports that slightly more than 1 percent of the more than 340,000 adverse events reported were deaths, of which 80 percent were among people 60 or older.



研究的作者,Dr. David ShayCDC的一名传染病研究人员说,开发了Covid-19疫苗的快速速度是“前所未有的”。尽管如此,研究人员仍然发现,该人群的死亡遵循“在其他成人疫苗接种后,该年龄段的人的死亡率类似”。