Stress related to discrimination and poverty is shortening lives in the United States. Here’s what experts say can be done about it.

Stress can take a toll not just mentally, but also physically and even financially. A new study finds that certain socioeconomic and ethnic groups in the United States face a high burden of systematic stressors, putting them at increased risk for a variety of health hazards and reducing their life expectancy.

extensive reportreleased today by the American Psychological Association, mental health experts synthesized research on stress and health among certain socioeconomic, racial, and ethnic groups to show the long-term effects of stress.

Elizabeth Brondolo, PhD, a study co-author and chair of the Working Members Group, said the point of the report is to reveal the many ways stress can take a human toll.


She said the group wanted to break down the concept “to focus on stress in explaining disparities or contributing to disparities by race and or ethnicity or socioeconomic status.”

The results of stress from socioeconomic inequality can be found in curtailed life expectancy and lost income.





Brondolo pointed out that living in certain areas that are more violent and also segregated from surrounding communities can result in enough stress to affect a person’s way of thinking.

“If you live in a highly threatening environment and there’s few protections, you’re going to develop different ways of thinking and responding than you if you live in a more supportive environment,” she said.



“One finding is that if you are, for example, a low-income white child, you are more likely to live in a neighborhood that’s middle class,” she said. “That means you have access to the social capital.”

She explained this can mean there’s more support if a low-income child doesn’t have something as basic as a calculator. Their neighbor or friend might have one they can borrow.

In addition, if parents are busy, other parents can pick children up from school.


Being discriminated against has clear impacts on health.

People who report being discriminated against are more likely to have higher blood pressure readings.



A disrupted circadian rhythm or interrupted sleep can also put people at risk for a variety of health risks, including cardiovascular disease.

Long-term stress or “chronic” stress can actually change the way the brain works.



Dr. Ramani Durvasula, a professor of psychology at California State University, Los Angeles, said this report should be a “wake-up call” for people in psychology, social work, and public health to take action.

“The structures are broken,” she told Healthline.

Durvasula pointed out that doctors can advise action for lessening stress, but these may not go far enough at the root of stress.

“In fact, people occupying these groups are often ‘blamed’ for their lack of resource, which lifts the blame off of making structural changes: affordable health care, income equality, fair taxation systems, higher quality education for all SES (socioeconomic) strata, better policies for working parents. The list is endless.”

Durvasula said without structural changes to lessen the stress burden on these groups and not stopping the narrative of blaming poor people for being poor, there’s little chance for meaningful change.

“那怪变成了一个压力源,”她说。“Stress impacts an individual in numerous ways — immune function, endocrine function, pain modulation, psychiatric symptomatology, cardiovascular function — and impacts cognitive elements of the person, such as perceptions of control, hopelessness, helplessness, and agency.”


“我们的医疗保健系统通常非常惩罚。Those who need them most… are often the ones who can’t get transport to appointments, are forced to make them months in advance and then hold jobs that don’t provide the flexibility to change hours, who can’t get child care, who face evictions or other residential instability that can make continuity of care difficult,” she said. “These folks are often charged cancellation fees, forced to wait months for another appointment, have longer wait times, and face byzantine insurance systems.”

