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  • Based on new evidence, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force says daily low-dose aspirin in people 60 years old or older has no net benefit due to an increased risk of bleeding.
  • 现有证据表明阿司匹林对40至59岁的人的“净利润”为10%或更多的10年或以上的10年的心血管疾病(CVD)风险很小。
  • 专家说,一些包括心脏病或患有支架,血管成形术和冠状动脉旁路手术的群体可以从阿司匹林中受益。

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) released new draft建议书10月12日,不再建议使用阿司匹林预防心脏病发作并对某些群体中风。

许多人每天服用低剂量药丸来帮助 prevent 心脏病发作或中风。但新的证据发现,每日阿司匹林可以提高某些并发症的风险。

According to USPSTF, evidence now suggests the “net benefit” of aspirin use for people 40 to 59 years old who have a 10 percent or more 10-year cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk is small.


Some groups are still advised to take daily aspirin.

“These recommendations do not apply to people who have had a heart attack or stroke, or have a stent in an artery,” Dr. Donald M. Lloyd-Jones, volunteer president for the American Heart Association (AHA), said in a statement


“出血是60岁及以上的患者的主要问题,如果他们新放在每日婴儿阿司匹林方案,那么患有心脏病的风险,”罗伯特博士是,纽约Lenox Hill医院的紧急医生告诉健康线。雷竞技app官网


Dr. Guy L. Mintz, director of cardiovascular health and lipidology at the Sandra Bass Heart Hospital in Manhasset, New York, said, “Aspirin definitely has a role to play.”

He explained that patients with heart disease, stent, angioplasty, coronary artery bypass surgery, stroke, peripheral arterial disease, and 瞬态缺血性攻击 (“ministroke”) could benefit from aspirin.

He also cautioned that patients on an aspirin regimen should talk with their doctor first before stopping.

“Aspirin also had an anti-inflammatory effect reducingc-reactive protein,炎症的标志物,“麦芽兹说。“从1988年的医生的健康研究表明阿司匹林减少了心脏病发作。”



Mintz said this includes:

  • 有效的胆固醇降低药物
  • 新的糖尿病药物减少心脏死亡,减少心力衰竭,改善肾功能和血糖
  • effective medications to reduce blood pressure and blood pressure targets lower than previous guidelines


According to Mintz, major cardiac risk factors include a family history of heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, smoking, and obesity.

Patients should talk with their doctor to review their cardiovascular risk, he said.

Mintz advised that people with cardiac risk factors have their cardiac risk profile measured.

“Each patient without heart disease between ages 40 to 70 years should have their 10-year cardiovascular risk measured using the ACC/AHA cardiac risk计算器梅兹说,这提供了10年的心脏风险并有助于识别治疗途径。

