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Researchers and experts say people with rheumatoid arthritis are more likely to have major cardiovascular events, such as stroke and heart attack. Getty Images
  • 一项新的研究表明风湿性关节炎的人面临着心血管事件的风险更高,例如心脏病发作和中风。
  • The Arthritis Foundation also notes that people with rheumatoid arthritis face a 50 percent higher risk for heart disease than the general population.
  • Experts say regular exercise is a good way for people with rheumatoid arthritis to reduce pain and lower their risk for cardiovascular disease.

It’s not just your joints that rheumatoid arthritis can affect.



The researchers said the increased association was more common in cases of RA that are either seropositive or considered to be active.

In the study, the researchers assessed this risk for MACE and death in people with RA who were required to have a cardiac CT scan for chest pain.

“In patients referred to cardiac CT due to chest pain, we found a trend of an association between RA and the combined primary outcome, supporting that RA per se, but in particular seropositive and active RA, may increase the risk [for coronary artery disease] even after initial [coronary artery disease] diagnosis and treatment,” the researchers said in a statement.


The outcome of the study found a mix of cardiac events, such as myocardial infarction, percutaneous coronary intervention, ischemic or unspecified stroke, coronary artery bypass grafting, and other causes of death.



In addition, people with osteoarthritis face a 24 percent higher risk for cardiovascular disease than the general population.

Overall, the foundation reported, nearly half of all adults with heart disease also have some form of arthritis.

Womenalso have a higher risk for both heart disease and rheumatoid arthritis. They sometimes face性别差异in treatment for heart health issues and chronic pain.

Certain foods, such asseafood, and supplements, likefish oil基本欧米茄脂肪酸,可以帮助心脏健康和炎症关节炎.


TheArthritis Foundation和其他专家推荐运动的一部分overall balanced and healthful lifestyle of wellness for people with arthritis.




“I became educated on how unchecked inflammation increases the risk of heart disease, including the risk of heart attack and stroke,” Sandra S. of British Columbia, Canada, told Healthline.

“Knowing this has allowed me to make more informed decisions when it comes to my health and highlights the importance of managing inflammation effectively,” she said.

William A. of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, notes that while cardiovascular risk is a concern, it doesn’t consume his life.

“I became aware of the correlation between heart disease and RA just last year. I was first diagnosed withSjögren的综合征in 2009, and my RA diagnosis came just 2 years ago,” he told Healthline.

“My heart has always worked extra hard and beat extra fast, but I’m lucky to have managed my blood pressure for the most part. It is a concern of mine, but I only really think about it when I am symptomatic,” he said.

