Water pours under an overpass in Flint, Michigan 在Pinterest上分享
  • Researchers say people in the United States were exposed to large amounts of lead in the 1900s before it was banned in most products.
  • 他们说,这种接触导致智商分数降低,并引起了心脏健康问题和认知困难。
  • 这y say the problem is particularly acute in Communities of Color, which had more exposure and fewer resources to deal with the issues.

People in the United States have cumulatively lost more than 800 million points off their IQ scores from exposure to the lead added to gasoline for much of the 20th century.

那是根据新研究经过researchers at Florida State University and Duke University in North Carolina.

Researchers said cognitive ability was particularly affected among those born between 1951 and 1980.

由于接触铅,美国人平均损失了2.6分的智商,一个发育神经毒素known to affect mental and physical development.

People born in the mid-to-late 1960s may have been most profoundly affected since that’s when the use of leaded gasoline peaked.


“We estimated blood-lead levels arising from leaded gasoline use because… it was the dominate source of lead exposure for most Americans over the past 80 years,”亚伦·鲁本, a study author and PhD candidate at Duke University, told Healthline. “Other sources, such as lead service lines or exfoliating paint from pre-1978, have no doubt contributed to individual American’s exposures in that time frame and should be estimated in the future as well.”


这Environmental Protection Agency began逐步淘汰1973年在汽油中使用铅,但直到1996年才被完全禁止。


, PhD, a professor of environmental and occupational health at the University of California, Irvine’s Program in Public Health and co-director of the school’s Center for Environmental Health Disparities Research, told Healthline leaded gasoline continues to be one of the most significant sources of environmental toxicity in the United States.


According to the study, more than 170 million U.S. people alive today were exposed to high lead levels during their childhood. That includes millions exposed to at least five times the currently allowable limit of lead exposure.

研究人员得出了从估计值(BLL)中得出的结论 国家健康和营养检查调查 这是根据1940年至2015年至2016年的1至5岁儿童的研究。1940年至1975年之间的铅暴露估计是根据当年的含汽油消耗计算的。

Wu said the findings demonstrate contamination from leaded gasoline’s “significant impact on society as a whole as well as on individuals.”



water contamination crisis在密歇根州的弗林特,尚未解决铅污染的问题,尽管大大减少,但尚未解决。

Wu’s own research shows high levels of lead contamination persist in soil samples taken in urban areas and near highways decades after leaded gasoline was banned.

Michael McFarland佛罗里达州立大学,博士,教授’s sociology department and a study author, noted that leaded gasoline is still used in propeller-driven aircraft.


“This percentage may not sound high, but it equates to hundreds of thousands of children exposed children per year… Thousands of locales across the country have persistent legacy lead problems, many as bad as those seen in Flint during the water crisis,” he said.

Study authors said a full accounting of the impact of past lead contamination is needed not only to support abatement efforts but also to understand the disease burden of lead exposure and to improve cognitive, cardiovascular, and aging outcomes among those exposed to lead in the past.


“Economists have estimated that a single IQ point is worth about $10,000 in lifetime earnings… At the level of society, 2 to 6 IQ points per person is extraordinarily meaningful, as it lowers overall productivity… and increases the number of folks with cognitive impairment who require greater social support,” he said.
