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Researchers in Denmark came to that conclusion after studying data of almost 23,000 pregnant women to see how evening work impacted the chance of a miscarriage between the 4th and 22nd weeks of pregnancy.

The researchers found that among women more than eight weeks pregnant, those who worked two or more night shifts in the past week had a 32 percent greater risk of miscarriage than pregnant women who didn’t work the so-called swing shift.



However, the researchers said pregnant women shouldn’t be alarmed by their findings.

“工作夜班似乎带来了自发流产的风险增加 - 但幅度并不令人震惊。在夜班的100名妇女中,您会比仅在工作日期工作的妇女中额外的案例,即妊娠第八周后的五个而不是四次自发堕胎的范围。

根据 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , working at night or working long hours has been related to preterm birth, menstrual disorders, and miscarriages.


Dr. Shannon Clark, an associate professor in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, said the amount of sleep needed during pregnancy varies.

“Women do require more sleep during pregnancy, particularly in the first and third trimester,” she told Healthline. “Fatigue is more evident in these trimesters when compared to the second trimester, when many women experience more energy. As to exactly how many hours a day is needed, it varies from woman to woman based on her baseline needs when not pregnant.”

In theDanish study在第三周和第21周之间进行夜班的10,047名妇女中,有740名流产。



“I am currently not convinced that there is any significant harm to pregnant mothers who work night shifts. I base this opinion on my personal clinical experiences and on my review of past and current literature that has focused on pregnancy outcomes in mothers who work night shifts.”Dr. Marc Parrish, an associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Kansas Medical Center, told Healthline.


关于 30 percent 的工人in the United States get less than six hours of sleep a night. About 15 million work full-time on night shifts, irregular schedules, or rotating shifts.

Dr. Sheri Belafsky, director of the Medical Surveillance Program in the Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, Department of Public Health Sciences at the University of California Davis, says further research following the Danish study would be beneficial.

“I was definitely surprised by these results and hope follow-up studies will help pinpoint what exactly it is about night shift work that may increase the risk of miscarriage. This study population was comprised of nurses and physicians, and I’m curious about the type of work they were specifically doing at night,” she told Healthline.

The Danish research is the latest in a line of many studies examining night shift work in women of reproductive age.


Molenberg Begtrup notes it’s unethical to do randomized intervention studies that examine negative impacts of exposures on pregnancies.

For some women, working night shifts while pregnant may be the only option. Clark, who’s also a spokesperson for the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, says there are a number of ways these women can ensure they remain healthy during pregnancy.

