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  • A new strain of HIV has been discovered in the Netherlands.
  • The strain dubbed the VB variant appears to lead to more severe disease more quickly.
  • People with this strain also tended to have a higher viral load.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that mutations in a virus can significantly change a pathogen’s infectiousness and severity of disease.

Now, new研究牛津大学从牛津大学发现了​​一种新的艾滋病毒变体,这是引起艾滋病的病毒,它可能更具感染力,并可能更严重地影响免疫系统。

So far, 109 people, most of whom live in the Netherlands, have the variant.

The new strain, called the VB variant, damages the immune system, weakening people’s ability to fight everyday infections and diseases much faster than the previous HIV strains, scientists say.

It also means that people who contract the new变体可能会更快地发展艾滋病。



“By the time they were diagnosed, these individuals were vulnerable to developing AIDS within 2 to 3 years,” study authors.

Absent treatment, critically low CD4 cell counts “with long-term clinical consequences” is expected to happen 9 months after diagnosis on average for people in their 30s with VB variant, they said.

“ VB变体能够促进传播,损害免疫系统和中断治疗的能力,提醒病毒随着时间的流逝而发展的智能。”Anthony J. Santella, DrPH, MCHES, professor of Health Administration and Policy at the University of New Haven.

当被问及有关高危人群测试建议的变体意味着什么,William A. Haseltine, PhD, chair and president of the global health think tank ACCESS Health International, said it depends on people’s behavior.

Haseltine说:“我在艾滋病的早期就学会了人类行为比我预期的要多得多。”Variants: The Shape-Shifting Challenge of COVID-19.



“I think it’s a cause for renewed focus,” he said. “We’ve really been able to move HIV, AIDS, from a deadly disease to a chronic one.



Dr. Carl Fichtenbaum,辛辛那提大学医学院传染病科临床医学教授告诉Healthline,已经知道有些人比其他人更快地病了。雷竞技app官网

“amount of virus measured in a drop of blood is a surrogate of disease progression. The higher the amount, the more likely someone will progress and become ill,” Fichtenbaum told Healthline.

他说:“我们怀疑很多时候这是因为他们获得的艾滋病毒类型更具侵略性或毒气。”“无论变化如何,我们的实践都是相同的 - 立即进行测试并开始治疗。”


Fichtenbaum explained that reducing the risk of infection begins with sex with a condom or other barrier method.


Fichtenbaum said FDA-approved treatments for people living with HIV include a tenofovir/emtricitabine combination tablet daily and cabotegravir injections every 2 months.

“Those individuals that have HIV can take their medications and be ‘undetectable’ on their viral load, which eliminates the chance of HIV transmission,” he said. “Hence the slogan U=U; undetectable equals untransmittable.”



They also say that the best way to avoid contracting or transmitting the virus includes sex with a condom or other barrier method and PrEP medication.