From early aging to heart problems, the effects of the day-in, day-out grind can damage your health in irreversible ways.

High-pressure workdays, long commutes, raising kids, not enough sleep or exercise, trying to make ends meet.

日常生活的累积应力可以以不可逆转的方式损害您的健康 - 从早期衰老到心脏问题到长期残疾。

Some people believe stress makes them perform better. But that’s rarely true. Research consistently shows the opposite — that stress usually causes a person to make more mistakes.

Besides making you forget where you put your keys, stress also can have dramatic negative impacts on your health.

Here are nine examples:

It’s no secret that stressed people can fly off the handle. But new research reveals just how little stress is actually required for you to lose your cool.

一种2013 study神经科学家发现,即使轻微的压力水平也会损害我们控制我们的情绪的能力。

In the study, researchers taught subjects stress control techniques. But after participants were put under mild stress — by having their hands dunked in icy water — they could not easily calm themselves down when shown pictures of snakes or spiders.

“Our results suggest that even mild stress, such as that encountered in daily life, may impair the ability to use cognitive techniques known to control fear and anxiety,” lead author Candace Raio, Ph.D., said in a press release.

Some people are more prone to certain diseases, and chronic stress can give these conditions the green light.

Stress has been linked to illnesses that include cancer, lung disease, fatal accidents, suicide, and cirrhosis of the liver.

研究人员约翰霍普金斯大学发现孩子们暴露于慢性年代吗tress are more likely to develop a mental illness if they are genetically predisposed.

Sex is a pleasurable and effective way to relieve stress. But stress can also get you out of the mood quicker than you think.

一种1984 study发现压力会影响男性体重,睾酮水平和性欲。

Numerous studies have shown that stress — especially performance anxiety — can lead to impotence.


Some people respond to stressful situations through nervous tics or by grinding their teeth.

While people often grind their teeth unconsciously or when they sleep, it can do lasting damage to your jaw and wear your teeth thin.





Stress damages your heart because stress hormones increase your heart rate and constrict your blood vessels. This forces your heart to work harder, and increases your blood pressure.

一种ccording to the美国压力研究所,心脏病发作发生率和猝死后的主要压力诱导事件,如飓风,地震和海啸。

In the ancient days of hunter-gatherers, harsh conditions forced people to eat as much as possible when food was available in order to store up for lean times.

That compulsion lives on inside us, and comes out when we are stressed.


Those scientists recommended turning off the nightly newscast before eating dinner, to keep bad news — and overeating — at bay.


研究人员the University of California, San Francisco, discovered that stress shortens telomeres — structures on the end of chromosomes — so that new cells can’t grow as quickly.




一种merican Psychological Association (APA)建议缓解压力的平静练习和社交网点。


研究人员在他们之后达到了这一结论five-year study17,000名瑞典工作成年人,18至64岁,于2011年发表于2011年的流行病学和社区健康。

One in four study subjects in the Stockholm area who had mild stress were awarded disability benefits for physical conditions like angina, high blood pressure, and stroke. Nearly two-thirds drew benefits for a mental illness.

编者说明:这个故事最初于2013年8月27日发表,并于2016年8月4日由Patrick Keeffe更新。