Actor Matthew McConaughy speaks Share on Pinterest
Actor Matthew McConaughey has promoted the effectiveness of the hair treatment Regenix for two decades.
亚历杭德罗·塞加拉(Alejandro Cegarra)/彭博通过Getty Images
  • 演员马修·麦康纳(Matthew McConaughey)促进了二十年来促进他对头发生长的使用。
  • The company says Regenix utilizes vitamins, minerals, and plant extracts to build a customized hair growth product for customers.
  • 但是,一些专家说,没有可靠的证据表明Regenix和公司所说的那样。
  • They also note that hair growth products should only be used by people with thinning hair and not people who are experiencing baldness or other more serious hair growth issues.

除了一个高度是否成功l actor, Matthew McConaughey makes a living as a celebrity spokesperson, from Lincoln cars to Wild Turkey whiskey to beef, being the new face of telling people, “It’s what’s for dinner.”

但是麦康纳(McConaughey)最长的认可之一 - Regenix-是成为头条新闻because he attributes the hair regrowing system with giving his locks new life, something he reportedly opines on in his new memoir.

早在2001年的出现中晚会” when David Letterman was still the host, McConaughey said he was able to regrow his hair, using his trademark Texas twang to sound out “Re-gen-ix.”

More recently, Regenix’s CEO Bill Edwards told名人新闻网站TMZ自1999年以来,麦康纳(McConaughey)一直是客户,他的认可帮助该公司在COVID-19大流行期间过渡到完全邮购服务。


Edwards said in a 2020 blog entry on中等的他总是感谢麦康纳(McConaughey)的“对使用Regenix的直接诚实”,因为他们的其他名人客户(他拥有的隐私)并不那么前进。

McConaughey — who won abest actor Oscarin 2014 for his role in “Dallas Buyers Club” portraying a person trying to obtain lifesaving experimental medication during the earliest days of the AIDS epidemic — recently told the小伙子圣经他仍在谈论Regenix,因为加利福尼亚州的比佛利山庄(Beverly Hills)声称给他发插头,他说的一份报告不是真的。

根据它的website,Regenix使用“天然生物药物 - 维生素,矿物质和植物提取物,从柑橘和甘菊到茶树油和阿拉贡”,个性化配方是“无药物,无药物,无需副作用”。

“The ingredients are naturally derived,” Regenix’s FAQ page says. “We have thousands of potential combinations, but the formula is tailored to you because no two scalps are alike.”

Here’s how Regenix works: Potential customers send in a few hair samples and answer a survey. Regenix then creates a tailored regimen of drug-free shampoos, conditioners, and other topical solutions, telling customers they could see results in as little as 8 months.

Much like traditional herbal and nutritional supplements, Regenix不受监管食品药品监督管理局(FDA)。


尽管其网站说Regenix是“植根于科学” and stating it’s helped more than half a million people with “hair and scalp issues,” the company offers no proof of how it works, if it does, or even what ingredients, specifically, are in the tailored treatments.


Dr. Ken L. Williams Jr., a surgeon and founder of Orange County Hair Restoration in California, said he respects McConaughey for his acting talents, “but he is not a medical doctor.”


He said Regenix doesn’t use physician-dispensed medication or oversight in its treatment plan and provides “no accurate diagnosis.”

“This treatment is not FDA-approved and currently lacks research or proven medicinal applications,” Williams told Healthline. “It consists of topical products such as a shampoo, conditioner, an unrecognized, poorly described or understood ‘deep follicle cleanser.’”


威廉姆斯说,经历脱发的人需要由恢复外科医生或皮肤科医生对脱发的人们进行适当的检查和诊断,并依靠proven treatments, such as Minoxidil or Rogaine, Propecia, or Finasteride, laser light therapy, or regenerative procedures, such as platelet rich plasma.

尽管如此,Jae Pak博士总部位于加利福尼亚的洛杉矶发型恢复专家说,一些研究表明,薰衣草和生物素可以刺激毛囊,因此诸如Regenix之类的治疗方法可能有可能帮助人们恢复头发。

“It’s not a far cry to say their product provides real results,” Pak told Healthline. “Most mega-celebrities like Matthew McConaughey are not willing to put their name behind a product unless it is something they truly believe in.”

There’s also the cost to using Regenix or other similar products.

Yuksel Sahin一名发型师在曼哈顿上东伊德(Eade)上有同名沙龙的发型师说,有一次,他每月花费高达300美元用于医疗药物和草药药物来治疗脱发,直到他发现了实际上有效的东西。


While a big-name celebrity like McConaughey will testify his beautiful locks are due to decades of using Regenix, there are other, lesser-known folks who might have to think twice before dropping$200 on a starter kitthat’s meant to last a month.