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她七十多岁的女人患有4阶段的肺癌可帮助她从孙女那里服用她的药物。Justin Paget / Getty Images
  • 每年有超过230,000人的美国被诊断患有肺癌。
  • The 5-year survivability rate has improved, but it’s still below other cancers.
  • 专家说,这是因为在以后的阶段被诊断出来的癌症。
  • 在早期阶段治疗的肺癌的人的生存性明显高于在以后阶段治疗的人。

This week, there’s some encouraging news — but also a reality check — when it comes to lung cancer.

新的“肺癌状态”报告from the American Lung Association finds that the 5-year survival rate for people diagnosed with lung cancer increased by 14 percent nationally.


“There has been much progress in the treatment of lung cancer with immunotherapy and targeted therapeutics,”奥蒂斯博士, a thoracic surgeon and assistant professor of thoracic surgery at Saint John’s Cancer Institute at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California, told Healthline.

“This has improved survival for late stage primary lung cancer and is also being used for some early stage lung cancers.”

However, that still means that more than 3 out of 4 people diagnosed with lung cancer don’t survive more than 5 years.

The survival rate for lung cancer remains among the lowest for any type of cancer. And lung cancer survivability remains lower among People of Color.

“该报告突出了重要新闻 - 更多人患有肺癌。然而,它也强调了这一事实,悲伤地,卫生差异对社区的群体持续存在,“美国龙协会的国家总裁兼首席执行官Harold Wimmer在一篇新闻报表中说。

He noted that the 5-year survival rate is 20 percent in Communities of Color and 18 percent for Black Americans.

“The lack of improvement in lung cancer survival in People of Color is not a problem unique to lung cancer,” Onugha said. “Virtually every study that has looked at segmented data based on race has found racial inequalities in medical care. Racial inequality is a healthcare system problem and not a lack of awareness problem.”





Low-dose CAT scans are an effective screening tool for lung cancer, but less than 6 percent of people considered at high risk for lung cancer get such screenings, the Lung Association said. One reason may be that fee-for-service state Medicaid programs are not required to cover lung cancer screening for high-risk populations.


关于 236,000人 在美国每年被诊断患有肺癌。

“肺癌是两种性别癌症死亡的最常见原因,”Dr. Salman Zaheer是加利福尼亚州Loma Linda大学健康的胸外科医生告诉健康线。雷竞技app官网


  • smoking cessation efforts
  • lung cancer screening
  • 使用内核超声波诊断和分期
  • robotic techniques that spare the need for lung surgeries
  • 立体定向体放射治疗,一种精密辐射治疗的形式
  • targeted systemic therapy
  • 免疫疗法
  • 高级气道障碍物的内核治疗

“还有几个疗法在地平线上,including a cancer vaccine,” Zaheer added.