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  • Long COVID is a condition that involves persistent symptoms for weeks or months after initial infection with SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
  • 肠道中微生物组较少的人更有可能在冠状病毒感染后出现挥之不去的症状。
  • 尚不清楚漫长的互联物的确切原因 - 为什么有些人可能面临更高的发展风险。


这表明“人类的肠道微生物组可能在开发中起重要作用”,也称为post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection, or PASC, the researchers write.

They also suggest that analyzing which bacteria, fungi, and other microbes are present in a person’s intestines — known asmicrobiome分析 - 可以帮助确定哪些人更容易发生这种情况。

The study was published Jan. 26 in the journal

Long COVID is a condition that involves persistent symptoms for weeks or months after initial infection with SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.


This condition is not limited to people who have had severe COVID-19. It can also occur in those who had mild symptoms initially, including children and adolescents.

尚不清楚漫长的互联物的确切原因 - 为什么有些人可能面临更高的发展风险。

Several possible explanations have been proposed for this condition, including an exaggerated immune response, ongoing inflammation, cell damage, and physiological effects of severe illness.

此外,最近 学习 确定了可能引起长期相互交联的四个因素 - 2型糖尿病,体内爱泼斯坦 - 巴尔病毒的重新激活,错误攻击人细胞的抗体的存在以及血液中冠状病毒RNA的存在。

Mahmoud A. Ghannoum, PhD, director of the Center for Medical Mycology at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, said earlier research — such as a study published last year in- 还将肠道微生物组连接到Covid-19的严重程度。

在这些研究中,患者更严重COVID -19 tend to have a decreased microbial diversity in the intestines, he said.

In addition, he said they often have a reduction in beneficial microbes that help support the immune system and an increase in pathogenic microbes, those that “cause trouble.”

“What this [new] study did is extend this observation to say that the changes in the composition of the microbiome could affect how we respond to long-term [after COVID-19],” said Ghannoum, also a professor of dermatology and pathology at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.

In the new study, Hong Kong researchers looked not only at the link between the gut microbiome and long-COVID symptoms, but also the connection with the types of symptoms people experienced and the severity of their initial illness.


Researchers asked people 3 and 6 months after their initial illness whether they were experiencing any long-COVID symptoms. Over 80 percent said yes at both time points.

Fatigue, poor memory, hair loss, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping were the most common symptoms reported by people at 6 months.

The researchers also analyzed the gut microbiomes of 68 of these people using stools samples. Fifty of these people had long-COVID symptoms.

Some of the 68 people also completed a 6-minute walk test at their 6-month follow-up visit to assess their aerobic capacity and endurance.

At 6 months, there were no significant differences in other factors that could impact the microbiome, such as age, gender, underlying health conditions, use of antibiotics or antiviral drugs, and COVID-19 severity, between people with and without long COVID.

In addition, for a comparison group, researchers recruited 68 patients who hadn’t had a coronavirus infection. They analyzed the gut microbiome for some of these individuals.

Dr. David StrainBMA科学委员会和临床高级讲师兼荣誉顾问主席,埃克塞特大学医学院说statement这项研究很有趣,但是需要更多的研究来确认这些发现是否适用于其他群体。

“This finding is consistent with several existing hypotheses that long COVID may be associated with a small quantity of residual virus in the immuno-privileged tissue (i.e., the regions of the body such as the gut, that the protection of our antibodies doesn’t reach),” Strain said.

“It is important to clarify that there are some substantial potential confounders in this study,” he added. “Notably that this is in a Hong Kong population that have a significantly different diet to the U.K. population and are have been demonstrated to have substantial differences In their dominant gut species.”


However, they did find that people with long COVID had “distinct” differences in their gut microbiome than individuals who hadn’t had a coronavirus infection.



In contrast, people who didn’t develop long COVID had fewer changes in their gut microbiome, and this “recovered completely by 6 months,” the authors found.

In fact, the gut microbiome of people who didn’t develop long COVID was similar to the non-COVID patients.



Researchers also looked at whether the composition of the gut microbiome was associated with different categories of long-COVID symptoms, such as respiratory, neurological, gastrointestinal, muscle- and joint-related, and fatigue.


For example, they found that higher levels of certain “unfriendly” microbes were linked with persistent respiratory symptoms. People with long COVID also had lower levels of several bacteria species that the authors say are known to be beneficial for immunity.

In addition, several “unfriendly” bacteria species were more common in people with long COVID who performed poorly on the 6-minute walk test.

This is an observational study, so it can’t show whether long-COVID symptoms are the result of the gut microbiome changes or the other way around.

Ghannoum said the study also had several limitations, including its small size and that researchers didn’t measure other factors that could impact the gut microbiome, such as diet, lifestyle, and other medications.


“The fact that having a balanced gut microbiome resulted in less [long COVID] highlights that we should take the necessary steps to ensure that we have a balanced microbiome,” he said.

Microbiome research has already identified several ways in which people can improve their gut microbiome — all things that can also improve overall health.

A key one, said Ghannoum, is eating ahealthy diet, one that is high in fiber, plant polyphenols (found in berries, nuts, vegetables, coffee, and tea), and unsaturated fats such as olive and sunflower oils.


“In addition to diet,” said Ghannoum, “you have to follow a lifestyle which helps balance your gut, including exercise, sleep, and reduction of stress.”