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New research says that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and questioning teens were far more likely than their heterosexual peers to think about, plan, attempt, and die by suicide. Maskot/Getty Images
  • A new study found that LGBQ adolescents reported having a higher risk of suicidal ideation over their lifetime compared to their heterosexual peers.
  • The study also found that 12 percent of LGBQ young people had a higher risk of suicide attempts compared to 5.4 percent of heterosexual teens.
  • 研究人员发现,LGBQ年轻人在年轻人中更有可能报告自杀思想,计划,自杀和自杀企图。这15岁及以下的表现出比老年人更风险的自杀行为。


LGBQ youth report experiencing earlier onset of suicidality. This includes a faster progression from suicidal ideation to planning than heterosexual (straight) peers.


Thenew research周一发表在儿科,官方的journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

The researchers looked at 1,771 adolescents who were part of the NEXT Generation Health Study . They followed young people who were in the 10th grade of high school in 2009 over the next 7 years, to 2016.

结果呢?嗨LGBQ青少年报告gher risk of suicidal ideation over their lifetime compared to their heterosexual peers — 26.1 percent to 13 percent, respectively.

Additionally, 16.6 percent of LGBQ youth had a higher risk of suicidal planning than 5.4 percent of straight adolescents. They also found that 12 percent of LGBQ young people had a higher risk of suicide attempts compared to 5.4 percent of heterosexual teens in the study.

The younger the respondents, the greater the concerns.

The researchers found that suicidal thoughts, planning, attempts, and suicide itself were more likely to be reported by LGBQ young people at younger ages — those younger than age 15 had riskier suicidal behaviors than people 15 years and older.

“关于LGBQ青年从自杀意念到制定自杀计划的速度比异性恋同龄人更快。通过自杀构想,我们的意思是对自杀有认真的想法。” 杰里米·卢克(Jeremy Luk) 美国国家酒精滥用与酒精中毒研究所(NIAAA)的临床心理学家博士告诉Healthline。雷竞技app官网

卢克说:“我们的结果从现有文献中得到了增强的是,拥有这些想法和对它们的行动可能是不同的事情 - 在我们的研究中,LGBQ青年更有可能对它们采取行动。”

Luk began this research when he was a post-doctoral fellow at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). This research was finished once he came to the NIAAA. Both the NICHD and NIAAA are part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).



When asked what might account for these high rates of suicidal ideation, planning, and attempts among LGBQ young people, Luk said it’s known that LGBQ youth are “more likely than heterosexual peers to be depressed because they are, on average, less satisfied in their family and tend to experience more bullying at school and in social media.”

“ 15岁以下的LGBQ青年不仅需要面对青少年常见的发展挑战,而且还需要探索自己的性身份并管理与少数群体相关的压力,这可能会触发自杀的想法,”他加了。

艾米·格林, PhD, vice president of research for The Trevor Project, the world’s largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ+ youth, echoed Luk in saying that this research falls into the wider understanding of the higher rates of suicidal ideation LGBTQ young people face due to “how they are treated.”

“Compared to their straight, cisgender peers, LGBTQ youth are significantly more likely to experience discrimination, rejection, bullying, violence, and harassment — which can compound and produce negative mental health outcomes,” said Green, who’s not affiliated with the new study in Pediatrics.


Green cited结果from The Trevor Project’s National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health 2021 that found 94 percent of LGBTQ young people reported politics negatively affecting their mental health, while 80 percent of these young respondents said the COVID-19 pandemic “made their living situation more stressful.”

她指出,只有三分之一的LGBTQ青年报告说,他们的家“ lgbtq很肯定”。

Additionally, The Trevor Project’s survey found 75 percent of LGBTQ youth reported they “had experienced discrimination based on their sexual orientation or gender identity at least once in their lifetime and more than half said they experienced this discrimination in the past year,” Green said.


When placed in conversation with the new study, these statistics paint a worrying picture about the way LGBTQ+ young people are responding to stress, discrimination, and lack of social supports in the United States.



Green cited the nonprofit’s 2020 study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health —了解跨性别和非二进制青年的心理健康- 发现跨性别者和非二进制青年“是抑郁症状的2至2.5倍,认真考虑自杀和自杀,与他们的cisgender,女同性恋,同性恋,双性恋,酷儿,酷儿和质疑同龄人相比,年龄,家庭时,收入和青年种族/种族。”

Green again pointed to The Trevor Project’s 2021 national survey that found 52 percent of transgender and nonbinary youth “seriously considered suicide in the past year and 1 in 5 reported attempting suicide.”

By comparison, 32 percent of cisgender LGBQ youth reported seriously considering suicide, while 1 in 10 attempted suicide in the past year.

“Further, our new journal article, ‘ LGBTQ青年的累积少数群体压力和自杀风险 ,’ underscores how these mental health disparities relate to cumulative minority stress, or the reality that the more marginalized an LGBTQ young person is, the more they experience stress related to their marginalized identities, and the greater their odds are for attempting suicide,” Green said.

“The study found that transgender and nonbinary youth had significantly greater odds of experiencing three or more minority stress risk factors, such as physical harm, discrimination, and/or housing instability due to their LGBTQ identity. And these disparities are most pronounced among youth who hold multiple marginalized identities, like transgender youth of color,” she added.




She echoed Luk that all of us working together to “create affirming spaces and support systems for LGBTQ young people” can save lives.

“Our research consistently shows that LGBTQ youth who have access to LGBTQ-affirming spaces like at home, school, or online report lower rates of attempting suicide,” she said.

“Further, transgender and nonbinary youth attempt suicide less when respect is given to their pronouns, when they are allowed to officially change their legal documents, and when their gender identity is affirmed,” Green added.

“Our research has also found that having at least one accepting adult in a young LGBTQ person’s life can reduce the risk of a suicide attempt by 40 percent. So, we all have a role to play in fostering the creation of a safer, more accepting world for LGBTQ young people,” she said.