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Your DNA might be as important as your diet when it comes to gastrointestinal illnesses such as irritable bowel syndrome. Hinterhaus Productions/Getty Images
  • 关于10 to 15 percent of adults in the United States have symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  • 研究人员称,遗传学可能在发展IBS和其他胃肠道疾病的风险中发挥作用。
  • In a study, the researchers say some common DNA characteristics were found in people who have developed IBS.
  • 专家们说,虽然它可能的遗传在IBS中发挥着作用,但也有饮食和其他生活方式因素很重要。

Genetics could play a role in gastrointestinal illnesses as well as predispose certain people to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

In astudypublished today in Cell Genomics, researchers reported there are specific DNA characteristics in people who have higher or lower stool frequency compared with their peers.

The study is the latest in a growing body of research suggesting that gut conditions like IBS may be tied to genetics.

“These results are very exciting and warrant follow-up studies: once more stool frequency genes are unequivocally identified, we may have a battery of new drug targets to be exploited for the treatment of constipation, diarrhoea and common dysmotility syndromes like IBS,” saidMauro d'Amato., PhD, a research professor at CIC nioGUNE in Spain and coordinator of the team of researchers, in a press release.

The researchers used data from 167,875 people in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, and the United States.

They compared the participants’ genetic makeup with their responses to queries regarding how frequently they had bowel movements.





“该研究中获得的遗传信息和多种子要素可以精制,最终导致患者分为不同治疗组的促进,希望能够提高治疗精度,当旨在提高肠道功能性并改变肠果习惯恢复正常,”博士. D’Amato said.

“This would be a major step forward in IBS, a common condition for which there is currently no effective treatment that works for all.”

Rudolph A. Bedford博士普罗维登斯Saint John的胃肠学家在加利福尼亚州圣莫妮卡的胃肠学家表示,在遗传学和IBS之间的关联中获得更好的理解可以为精密药物铺平道路,其中人们基于其遗传化妆提供了治疗方法。

“What it allows you to do is potentially be able to target with pharmaceutical therapy those patients that have these various genetic changes. In the future… these things will be much more accessible to our patients,” Dr. Bedford told Healthline.


Dr. Florence M. Hosseini-Aslinia堪萨斯州卫生系统大学的胃肠学家表示,虽然它使得遗传学可能会影响肠果习惯,但也可能有其他因素。

“I can see in real life practice that certain types of bowel habits ‘runs in the family.’ However, it could also be the food that they share or the similarities in their gut microbiome,” she told Healthline.


In the United States, about10 to 15 percent成年人有IBS症状。它是胃肠科医生诊断的最常见的疾病。



“While in rodent models there is a significant genetic influence on gut microbiome composition and on transit times, I believe the importance in humans is much less than other non-genetic factors such as diet (fiber content for example), emotionality, exercise which were not taken in consideration in the current study,” Dr. Mayer said.