

In the recent research from the University of Helsinki, scientists said people who took a relatively high dose of zinc daily had a rate of recovery that was three times better than people who didn’t take the chemical element.

发生ctious disease experts interviewed by Healthline had mixed opinions on these findings.


明尼苏达州梅奥诊所的传染病专家Pritish Tosh博士说:“我会用一粒盐来获得结果。”

Others noted the success in the study as well as the lack of side effects.

佛罗里达州奥兰多健康(Orlando Health)的家庭医学医生希拉里·霍金斯(Hilary Hawkins)博士说:“这似乎没有任何伤害,也没有其他好选择。”

Read more: Get the facts on the common cold »


The patients in those studies took 80-92 milligrams of zinc per day after the onset of cold symptoms.


However, the researchers noted that in other studies participants have been given daily doses of 100-150 mg for months without serious side effects.

They said in their analysis 70 percent of people who took zinc had recovered from their cold after five days compared with 27 percent of the participants who were given a placebo.

They added the zinc lozenges were effective in people regardless of their age, gender, race, allergies, or cold severity.

They also noted that most lozenges sold over the counter do not contain the levels of zinc used in these studies.

The researchers said further studies should be done on the best formula for zinc lozenges, as well as the optimum frequency of taking the medication.


Read more: Are we getting closer to a cure for the common cold? »

Tosh is a bit skeptical of the meta-analysis.

He said zinc has been studied as a remedy for colds for a long time, and the results are varied.


He told Healthline that rest and hydration are still the main remedies for a cold.


Hawkins agreed that one analysis isn’t enough to formulate concrete conclusions.

“This is a compelling study and it warrants further study,” she told Healthline. “However, one study is one study.”

She also noted that there are different strains of cold viruses that make the ailment tough to treat.

“There really isn’t one good medicine for them,” she said.



Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Tennessee, thinks along the same lines.


He said it appears if a person with a cold takes a high enough dose of zinc, they will “get better a little faster.”

He cautioned that the lozenges are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), so the effectiveness may vary.

He also told Healthline there needs to be more study on what the proper dosage should be, how often the lozenges should be taken, and if they should be administered before cold symptoms appear or afterward.


Because of that, he said further research is a worthy endeavor.

“It would be nice if we had a safe, reliable, inexpensive remedy,” he said.
