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Experts say we are in the midst of a third wave of opioid-related deaths. The isolation and stress from the COVID-19 pandemic is partly to blame. Getty Images
  • 专家说,阿片类药物成瘾是增加ag)ain in the United States.
  • 他们说部分原因是Covid-19大流行产生的孤立和压力。
  • Experts note that people with substance use issues are finding it more difficult to find help due to the closure of facilities and the canceling of programs during the pandemic.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit ourcoronavirus huband follow ourLive更新页面对于关于Covid-19大流行的最新信息。

Long before the2019冠状病毒病大流行came along, the United States was facing many different “epidemics,” — including obesity, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and opioid drugs, both prescription and illicit forms.

TheWall Street Journalrecently collected data on opioid-related deaths and found that counties all across the United States — from Washington to Arizona and Florida — are reporting rising drug fatalities this year.

The paper reported on September 8 that the trend follows a likely record number of fatal overdoses in the United States last year, when more than 72,000 people died.

Reports like this led to the American Medical Association issuing a 陈述 在Covid-19大流行期间,它是关于增加过量的“大力”。

The organization added it was pleased federal regulators were offering more flexibility for drugs such as buprenorphine and methadone that are used to reduce withdrawal symptoms during recovery.

Even before the pandemic, the United States was in the third wave of opioid-related deaths.

根据这一点 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ,当医生开始规定更多阿片类药物止痛药等20世纪90年代,第一次上涨vicodin.

第二波开始于2010年,随着越来越多的人开始使用海洛因,促使当局打击所谓的“ pill mills 。“


据根据 CDC研究 3月发布。

Experts say the pandemic isn’t boosting efforts to help people who are in recovery for opioid use disorders.

“数据表明,流行病不仅使阿片类药物滥用而恶化,而且令人虐待和物质使用障碍,更不用说患有大多数心理健康状况的患者的症状”Dr. Antontello Bonci佛罗里达州迈阿密迈阿密的全球院校的创始人和行政主席和执行主席告诉健康线。雷竞技app官网


Bonci also said there’s “the chronic stress and anxiety generated by the many uncertainties associated with the changes of many aspects of our life as we knew it.”

“The pandemic has been going on for more than 6 months now and there is no clear end in sight, which contributes to the severity of the situation,” he said.

Besides fentanyl, prescription opioids continue to commonly cause addiction, although with added pressure and scrutiny, doctors may be less inclined to prescribe them.


That means they remain “a necessary part of the physician’s tool kit in patient care,” he said.


But Gordon said prescriptions from doctors are only part of the problem as the rise of stronger synthetic opioids such as fentanyl are being used instead of heroin, which is 远远不那么有效 .

“We are also seeing designer drugs many times stronger than even fentanyl. The margin between a dose to produce the desired effect and a fatal dose with such a potent agent is very narrow,” he said.

“And people acquiring these drugs are buying them from drug dealers who often don’t know themselves what exactly is in the product,” he added.



Roger L’Hereault, an addiction recovery educator and counselor withCourage Recovery据说目前的情况对于处理成瘾的人来说可能是特别艰难的,因为大流行的恐惧和焦虑只会深化情绪痛苦。


Marshal Kirane博士Wellbridge Addiction Treatment and Researchin New York, said there were major treatment gaps prior to COVID-19 and the pandemic has only intensified them.

“Isolation, anxiety, and financial instability are a few of the many pressures the pandemic has introduced throughout the country,” he told Healthline.


That includes access to addiction services, namely group therapy.

虽然一些基于医院的成瘾护理过渡以满足与Covid相关的需求 - 如虚拟会议 - Kirane表示,有些人仍然避免亲自治疗,以减少他们对新型冠状病毒的暴露。


“In the midst of the uncertainty of the pandemic, my most important guidance is to stay connected with those in your life who may be struggling with an opioid use disorder,” Kirane said. “Addiction is an incredibly alienating disease, and healthy social connection can often make the difference between life and death.”