母子准备登上火车离开乌克兰 在Pinterest上分享
Experts say COVID-19 is only one of a number of healthcare concerns for refugees fleeing Ukraine. Omar Marques/Getty Images
  • Some experts say they’re concerned about a potential spike in COVID-19 cases in Europe as refugees flee Ukraine.
  • 他们指出,乌克兰的疫苗接种率相对较低,难民聚集在火车站和其他地方。
  • 大多数专家不希望乌克兰难民出埃及记会导致COVID-19案件在全球范围内增加。
  • 他们补充说,像乌克兰一场的战争引起了许多医疗保健问题,从脊髓灰质炎病例到医疗机构的拥挤状况。

新冠肺炎case ratesare falling across Europe已经有好几个星期了,但一些专家说,乌克兰的战争以及随后的难民泛滥到其他国家可能会激发另一次激增。

“The refugee crisis could increase infection numbers in Europe,”Sharona Hoffman, JD, a professor of bioethics and law at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, told Healthline.




“The good news is that Poland has a much higher vaccination rate (about 58 percent with two shots and 30 percent boosted), so its population has a greater degree of protection. The same is true for Hungary and other countries,” she added.

在乌克兰,COVID-19病例持续to fall, butdeaths have spikedin the past week, perhaps due to strain on hospital systems under a state of war.

“War suddenly and dramatically changes the pandemic landscape as forced migration from armed conflict prioritizes safety, shelter, food, water, and basic healthcare needs,”Jan K. Carney博士, MPH, an associate dean for public health and health policy at the Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont, told Healthline.




“We are currently experiencing a point in the pandemic where COVID cases, hospitalizations, and death rates are decreasing, people are starting to feel more relaxed, and officials are starting to loosen restrictions,”Ilan Shapiro博士Altamed Health Services的首席健康通讯员和医疗事务官告诉Healthline。雷竞技app官网

“The movement of refugees from Ukraine could create some spikes throughout Europe, but if they move the way they’ve been moving at other points of the pandemic, then it is more unlikely this will cause a dramatic spike in cases compared to if this was happening during a surge,” Shapiro said.

The more significant issue is the holistic nature of war as a public health crisis. Not just for COVID-19, but other infectious and devastating diseases such as polio.

“I have been optimistic that the world will soon see the eradication of polio,”Oladele A. Ogunseitan, PhD, a professor of population health and disease prevention at the University of California Irvine, told Healthline. “But the last vestiges of the devastating disease has always been in the areas of conflict in Nigeria [and] Afghanistan. Now, there is evidence of a small but significant detection of polio in Ukraine and the current war will make it difficult to contain, and perhaps even spread to countries receiving large numbers of refugees such as Poland.”

And while cases and deaths from the Omicron variant may only rise slightly, a new, more vaccine-evasive variant of the disease could throw those predictions out the window.

“战争和公共卫生的历史悠久。有证据表明,在许多情况下,枪战结束后,公共卫生的影响持续了数年甚至几十年。”Ogunseitan said. “This is particularly troublesome in the middle of a pandemic that has taken a toll of 2 years and millions of lives lost.”


What the world needs, experts say, is an end to fighting as well as the support of healthcare systems in other countries that are taking in Ukrainian refugees.
