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  • The first at-home therapy for the most common type of the skin condition vitiligo has been approved.
  • Opzelura是一种鲁唑替尼乳霜,在最近的临床试验中表现良好。
  • Experts say the medication provides a convenient alternative for treatment for people with this type of vitiligo.
  • 一些消费者的拥护者对治疗的限制及其价格表示关注。

食品药品监督管理局(FDA)有 approved the first at-home therapy for one type of白癜风, a disease that causes areas of skin to lose color, resulting in spots and patches of lighter skin.

Vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder affecting as many as2%of the world’s population. It’s estimated that about 2 million adults 在美国有条件。

The approved treatment is specifically for非段性白癜风, the most common type. It’s also only authorized for individuals 12 years and older.

FDA批准是许多人欢呼的发展,但托尼亚·约翰逊(Tonja Johnson), the founder of the vitiligo support group精美的无瑕,情绪不同。

“The treatment is available for those with非段性白癜风因此,那些患有分段白癜风的人无法使用治疗方法。”约翰逊告诉Healthline。雷竞技app官网“人们真的很兴奋,那里有一种治疗白癜风的药物,但是有些人仍关心可能的副作用,尤其是如果您还有其他健康问题和药物可能会干扰。”

治疗是Incyte的鲁唑替尼奶油,以品牌名称出售Opzelura. The medication works by calming a person’s overactive immune system and eventually helping to grow new, healthy skin cells and returning pigment to the area.


Opzelura根据两个数据获得了批准clinical trials. These trials involved participants 12 years and older with non-segmental vitiligo that covered 10 percent or less of their bodies.


During the treatment extension period, participants who initially received the placebo were then given the active drug, while those treated with ruxolitinib cream received another 28 weeks of the medication.

在最初的24周治疗期结束时,研究人员 reported 使用奶油的人中有30%的人在脸上恢复了75%或更多的皮肤抑制作用,而使用安慰剂的人中有10%。


Dr. Erum N. Ilyas, MBE, FAAD, a dermatologist for New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania provider Schweiger Dermatology, told Healthline the medication is “a very big deal.”

“We have actually never had a treatment that has been FDA approved specifically for the treatment of vitiligo,” Ilyas said. “The topical therapies currently available are in the category of steroidal and nonsteroidal topicals used to treat vitiligo based on the pathophysiology of the disease.”

Ilyas added the benefits of Opzelura include the ability to use it on most skin areas, an “excellent safety profile compared to the oral versions of this medication,” and efficacy of treatment.

“In particular, this medication has been found to be effective for facial vitiligo,” Erum said. “This is important to note as our ability to use steroid creams on the face is limited due to the potential for side effects. Facial vitiligo tends to be a source of significant concern for our patients and particularly challenging to treat.”

Dr. Harikiran Chekuri, the medical head of holistic healthcare provider Clinicspots in India, told Healthline users will need to exercise patience if they want to see results.


“Up until recently, most vitiligo treatments were only available through expensive in-office procedures,” Chekuri noted. “But this new wave of at-home vitiligo treatments are changing the game, making it more accessible and affordable for people with this condition.

“But the process is slow, it may take up to 3 months to show some results,” he added.

Johnson’s Florida-based vitiligo support group is hosting a virtual session with a researcher involved with the trial next week.



“I do know that if the insurance covers it, the insurance company will pay 80 percent and the patient 20 percent, or a co-pay. There’s also a savings card for patients where they can get the prescription for as low as $10,” she noted.