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The approval of three e-cigarette products is the first such approval in the United States. Михаил Руденко/Getty Images
  • 联邦监管机构已批准了三种电子烟产品,这是在美国获得批准的第一个此类项目。
  • 监管机构说,使用电子烟的人的好处是试图使用烟草戒烟的风险大于青少年的风险。
  • Health experts say there are still significant health dangers associated with vaping e-cigarettes.

Electronic cigarettes have been unregulated but legally sold in the United States for more than a decade.


Last week, FDA officials gave marketing approval to a trio of e-cigarette products made byR.J.雷诺(RJR)蒸气公司, the electronic cigarette arm of the tobacco company behind such brands as Camel, Newport, and Natural American Spirit.

“[The] FDA’s orders confirm that the marketing of Vuse Solo products are appropriate for the protection of the public health, underscoring years of scientific study and research dedicated to ensuring that adult nicotine consumers age 21+ have access to innovative and potentially less harmful alternatives to traditional tobacco products,” company officials said in a news release.

在一份声明中,倡导和政府事务副执行董事安妮·玛丽·汉梅尔(Anne Marie Hummel)在一份声明中American Association for Respiratory Care,称为FDA的决定“鉴于烟草使用的有害作用及其与慢性呼吸系统疾病的关系非常令人失望”。


“无论您得到的任何方式,尼古丁的使用都会对心血管系统产生很多负面影响,”Sanjivan Singh Kohli博士加利福尼亚州普罗维登斯宣教医院的肺部和重症监护医学医生告诉Healthline。雷竞技app官网





They include the Vuse Solo electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) device and two accompanying tobacco-flavored e-liquid pods.

“The manufacturer’s data demonstrates its tobacco-flavored products could benefit addicted adult smokers who switch to these products — either completely or with a significant reduction in cigarette consumption — by reducing their exposure to harmful chemicals,” said Mitch Zeller FDA烟草产品中心主任。

“我们必须保持警惕与这个授权,and we will monitor the marketing of the products, including whether the company fails to comply with any regulatory requirements or if credible evidence emerges of significant use by individuals who did not previously use a tobacco product, including youth. We will take action as appropriate, including withdrawing the authorization.”

根据该声明 美国心脏协会 。“我们必须确保青年不要吸引烟草味的电子烟,从而使烟草业能够维持尼古丁流行。”

The PMTA requires that manufacturers demonstrate to the FDA that any new tobacco products coming on the market protect public health.

In its review, the agency found that Vuse Solo users were exposed to fewer harmful and potentially harmful constituents (HPHCs) from aerosols than users of combusted cigarettes.

They also reported that the vapor from these products is significantly less toxic than combusted cigarettes, and the health benefit to smokers who switch from combusted cigarettes to e-cigarettes outweigh the risk of youth use of e-cigarettes.

根据CDC的最新信息 National Youth Tobacco Survey

However, the FDA noted that research shows that few teens later switch from e-cigarettes to the more dangerous combustible cigarettes.

“The data also suggest that most youth and young adults who use ENDS begin with flavors such as fruit, candy, or mint, and not tobacco flavors,” according to the FDA.

“These data reinforce the FDA’s decision to authorize the tobacco-flavored products because these products are less appealing to youth and authorizing these products may be beneficial for adult combusted cigarette users who completely switch to ENDS or significantly reduce their cigarette consumption,” the FDA stated.


“The FDA is right to continue to deny authorization for tobacco companies to sell flavored e-cigarettes, which have fueled the nicotine epidemic among youth nationwide and put millions of kids at risk for a lifetime of tobacco use and addiction,” according to the American Heart Association.

“ FDA应遵循今天的宣布,还否认了RJR对Vuse Solo Menthol风味墨盒的申请。几十年来,烟草公司积极向黑人社区,其他有色人种和青年群体推销薄荷味的烟草产品,从而助长了尼古丁成瘾的祸害。”该协会说。

The FDA’s decision on Vuse comes after the agency denied marketing approval for 55,000 flavored e-cigarette products from three different applicants: JD Nova Group LLC, Great American Vapes, and Vapor Salon.

The FDA stated in August that these products “lacked sufficient evidence that they have a benefit to adult smokers sufficient to overcome the public health threat posed by the well-documented, alarming levels of youth use of such products.”
