A healthcare worker in a full PPE sits at a hospital. 在Pinterest上分享
  • 研究人员分析了来自安大略省数据库的匿名数据,涉及34,000名医生。
  • They found that 27 percent more doctors sought help for burnout and substance misuse in the first year of the pandemic than in 2019.
  • 调查结果表明,精神科医生的年度访问率最高,每1000名医生3,442次就诊,而外科医生的访问率最低,每1000次仅371例。

持续的19009大流行急剧下降了 精神健康 跨不同的群体,而新的 研究 发现医生在大流行期间也达到了极限。



本月在JAMA Network Open上发表的研究还显示,某些专业的心理健康就诊比其他专业人数更多。


“Not all physicians are the same, and some specialties face different pressures and realities. The differences we saw between specialties may be explained by specialty-specific attitudes towards seeking care for mental health,” co-senior study author Dr. Manish Sood, said in astatement

但是,研究结果还表明,心理健康就诊并没有因人口组或工作地点而有所不同 - 性别,年龄或他们在城市环境中的工作没有差异。

Anthony Logalbo,佛罗里达理工学院心理学学院副教授博士告诉Healthline,医生不仅在与普通人群相同的许多问题上挣扎,例如限制与朋友和家人的接触,对病毒的担忧以雷竞技app官网及信息超负荷。

“Healthcare workers are often dealing with additional stressors related to increased vigilance and sanitary guidelines they must follow to reduce infection risk at work,” he said.

According to LoGalbo, increased stress may cause a variety of symptoms, such as problems sleeping, increased tiredness, rapid heart rate or breathing rate, feeling more easily overwhelmed or anxious, and having trouble concentrating.

“近年来,医生的同情疲劳和倦怠一直是一个越来越多的研究话题。”Arianna Galligher,一位有执照的独立社会工作者主管和副主任星创伤恢复中心在俄亥俄州立大学韦克斯纳医学中心。


然而,她指出,即使“每一个人does everything right” positive outcomes aren’t guaranteed, and healthcare professionals bear the burden of being present with patients and their families on their worst days.

“The stress that accompanies this vicarious exposure to trauma can result in emotional exhaustion, anxiety, depression, feelings of cynicism, increased errors, increased substance use, relationship problems, and suicidal ideation,” Galligher said.



“Doctors in particular are hesitant to reach out for mental health services, most commonly citing worry about perceptions and the possibility of future career damage, especially when it comes to affecting their professional licenses,” saidScott A. Gustafson,博士学位,佛罗里达理工学院心理学学院教授和社区心理服务主任。

Gustafson added that although the move to “more robust” telehealth delivery of mental health likely increases availability of services, the mass adoption of online treatment is “so new” that there are no reliable numbers regarding its effectiveness, “especially in comparison to in-person services.”

Galligher emphasized that the most impactful strategies to support healthcare professionals use “a multifaceted approach at the system level.”

She said that mental health programs must incorporate preventative strategies to support well-being and responsive strategies that address problems as they arise.


She added that interventions including pet therapy, gratitude programs, mindfulness-based stress reduction, peer support, and stigma-free access to counseling are all important elements in offering full-spectrum support across “a continuum of need.”



Experts say this could be due to several factors, including exposure to trauma, compassion fatigue, and increased access to virtual care.
