Workers in a nursing home assist residents in wheelchairs 在Pinterest上分享
疗养院居民的共同疫苗接种率相对较高。Vladimir Vladimirov/Getty Images
  • New cases of COVID-19 have increased in January among residents and employees at nursing home facilities, although the death rate has remained stable.
  • 一些护理机构已经实施了新的访客限制,包括疫苗接种证明,阴性COVID-19测试以及穿着个人防护设备。
  • Patient advocates advise family members of people in nursing homes to stay in close contact with facility employees to make sure their loved ones are getting proper care.



As of mid-January, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports a nearly 上升10倍 自11月以来,在新疗养院Covid-19案件中,居民和员工中有40,000例。但是,这一数字比一月份的第一周的创纪录最高降低了,超过67,000例。



According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, which tracks medical data from nursing homes, as of Jan. 9 there have been800,026自从大流行开始以来,疗养院居民的Covid-19案件确认,死亡142,693例。工作人员中还有另外2,312名Covid-19与19号相关的死亡。


Because older adults are more susceptible to the novel coronavirus, nursing homes are again imposing restrictions on visitors.


“截至2022年1月,在纽约州,所有疗养院的访客都必须在进入时表现出阴性Covid-19的证据,”Vanessa Steil, a board certified patient advocate, told Healthline.

“As the sole caregiver to my 93-year-old grandmother in a Long Island, New York, nursing home who I visit nightly to help with meals, this means that I need to be tested every 72 hours to comply with the mandate. That’s three PCR tests a week,” she said.



疗养院也是限制visits to common areas and reinstituting physical distancing measures.

此外,美国最高法院本月初坚持a Biden administration vaccine mandate for most healthcare workers. More than57,000在截至1月9日的一周中,疗养院工作人员签约了冠状病毒,是一个月前的10倍以上。

Nearly 84 percent of nursing home staff are now fully vaccinated. But only 30 percent have received boosters, according to CDC figures , which is less than half of the residents who are boosted.

由于相关人员短缺,新泽西州和明尼苏达州等一些州被称为the National Guard to help with everyday tasks involving residents.

Datafrom CarePort, a company that connects people in more than 1,000 hospitals to long-term care facilities, shows the average length of stay at hospitals for people getting discharged to skilled nursing facilities is up 21 percent this month compared with 2019.


迪比卡CarePort调查长期设施lly take in older adults after hospital stays.

“我们的调查结果表明,只有不到10%的疗养院报告能够照顾即将到来的Covid-19患者。当住院的Covid-19患者由于没有地方可以恢复的位置而无法离开医院时,医院的容量将进一步加剧。” Careport在其网站上说。

The organization added a nursing home bed “bottleneck” could be on the way.


史蒂文·莱文(Steven M. Levin), a Chicago attorney specializing in nursing home advocacy, told Healthline last year that families can be proactive during the crisis, with communication with workers at the facility being key.

He urged family members to ask questions, especially regarding staffing ratios.


Once a family member is in a nursing facility, Levin says to “communicate, communicate, communicate.”

“Call up the facility. Talk to the director. Talk to the director of nursing,” he advised. “If possible, talk to the nurses delivering care to your loved one. See what you can do with electronic communication to talk to your loved one directly.”
