

随着调查的继续,这sh的概念ooters had to be mentally ill has been brought up by many people, including President Donald Trump during a新闻发布会last week.

Just one day after the mass shooting at a Texas church, the president called the massacre the result of “a mental health problem at the highest level.”

But experts in psychology and mental health say the president’s statement isn’t only wrong — it could also be dangerously stigmatizing.

过去的研究发现患有精神疾病的人是 10 times more likely 成为犯罪的受害者而不是犯罪。

此外,美国心理协会(APA)在一项研究中发现7.5 percent犯罪与精神疾病症状有关。

Experts say that while it’s understandable questions arise about a shooter’s mental health and sanity after a mass shooting, these acts can and often are perpetrated by people who are sane.

Mental illness is defined by theAPAas “health conditions involving changes in thinking, emotion or behavior (or a combination of these). Mental illnesses are associated with distress and/or problems functioning in social, work or family activities.”

Joel Dvoskin, PhD, a clinical psychologist based in Arizona, explained that the president’s statement could be harmful by equating violence with mental illness.

Dvoskin told Healthline that the president defined mental illness by linking it to violence by saying, “You’d have to be ‘crazy’ to do something like that.”


Dvoskin said people with severe mental illness are generally less likely to commit gun violence against others.

“If you think about it, in order to have a gun you have to be organized, you have to have money,” he explained. “You have to get a license, you have to buy one. If people [have severe mental illness], they’re less likely to do that.”

洛杉矶加利福尼亚州立大学心理学教授拉马尼·杜瓦苏拉(Ramani Durvasula)博士解释说,尽管头条新闻,精神疾病和大规模杀人罪都没有被证明是相关的。

“Committing a horrible act and mental illness, they’re two independent issues,” she told Healthline. “Is it possible that someone with mental illness could commit a terrible act? Yes… But the one implying the other is a completely incorrect assertion and is a potentially dangerous assertion.”




Antonio E. Puente, PhD, president of the APA, said in a陈述尽管存在与枪支暴力有关的风险因素,但精神疾病并不是其中之一。

“The vast majority of people with mental illness are not violent,” Puente said. “A complex combination of risk factors, including a history of domestic violence, violent misdemeanor crimes and substance use disorders, increases the likelihood of people using a firearm against themselves or others.”

The质量射击率的增加has put pressure on mental health experts and law enforcement officials to identify and stop those likely to commit these acts early.

However, Dvoskin and Puente explained the signs that someone may commit a mass shooting is often too vague to pinpoint.

“For every lonely, angry, disconnected person who commits a crime, there are tens of thousands that don’t commit that crime,” Dvoskin said.

He added there’s one clear red flag that should always be taken seriously: a threat.

“The red flag is when somebody says, ‘I’m going to kill myself or kill a bunch of people.’ That’s the red flag, and it must never be ignored,” he said.

However, Puente said there’s little scientific evidence in identifying mass murderers that can help authorities before a shooting.

“If we look at the science of mass murders… it’s really next to impossible to predict this behavior,” he said. “The science of violence, whether it’s terrorism or mass shootings, is very, very poorly understood.”



All three experts interviewed by Healthline expressed concern that officials publicly linking mental illness and a mass shooting, without good evidence, are likely to hurt those with actual mental illness.



“On the one hand we’re being stigmatized, and on the other hand we’re not given the opportunity to take care of those individuals, so it’s a double jeopardy situation,” he said.

