• Last year, an estimated1650万people called in sick from work the day after the Super Bowl on what’s become the most famous sick day of the year: #SuperSickMonday.
  • Studies have found that 40 percent of people say they’re sleep-deprived the day after the Super Bowl.
  • Sleep deprivation can take a toll on your physical and mental health.

A2019 survey来自美国睡眠医学学院(AASM)发现,在超级碗之后的星期一,近40%的人被睡眠不足。




Last year, an estimated1650万人called in sick from work the following day on what’s become the most famous sick day of the year: #SuperSickMonday.

2020年的一项调查发现32 percentof workers want the Monday after the Super Bowl to be declared a national holiday.

Skimping out on sleep never feels good.

Sure, you might feel more grumpy than usual, but sleep deprivation — even just after one night — can take impact your physical and mental health .

“即使是一夜的睡眠一晚也会引起烦躁,黑眼圈或浮肿的眼睛(因为缺少睡眠会导致液体在您的眼睛下积聚),第二天感觉健忘,或者有较慢的反应时间,这可能会导致犯错。”Dr. Lynelle Schneeberg, a sleep psychologist at Yale Medicine and author of “Become Your Child’s Sleep Coach.”

错过了睡眠会影响你的份gment and mood and also increase your risk for an accident or injury, according toHarvard Medical School.

This is especially true for those driving while feeling drowsy. The Institute of Medicine estimates that drowsy driving is the cause of 20% of all motor vehicle crashes.

在工作场所,缺乏睡眠会导致impaired productivity and focus. You’re also more likely to feel stressed, as fragmented sleep affects the stress hormones that control your ability to function.

Research has also found it can worsen the symptoms of any underlying medical conditions.

但是,您会感觉到这些效果的程度取决于您在超级碗前几天的健康状况。Rebecca Scott, PhD, an assistant professor of neurology and sleep medicine specialist at NYU Langone Health.

“The better rested one is going into, the shorter night of sleep, the less they will feel any impact,” Scott told Healthline.

Humans are designed to handle a night or two of less sleep without any major consequences, she adds. It’s when it builds up that our health starts to go downhill.

The Super Bowl is often synonymous with a night of drinking beer and eating unhealthy, fatty foods — two things that can further impair a good night’s sleep.

Alcohol prevents us from getting into a restorative, deep sleep, which is necessary for learning, memory retention, and the ability to think.

“Although one might fall asleep more easily after having alcohol, alcohol prolongs the amount of time it takes to fall into a dream, reduces the overall amount of dream sleep across a night, and can result in several brief awakenings as we metabolize the sugar in the alcohol,” Scott said.



“We often put work and responsibilities first, so give yourself permission to take an evening off without guilt,” Scott said.




If you’re already running low on sleep and expect to feel even worse the Monday after the Super Bowl, Scott says to be patient with yourself.

“Know that you might have a harder time focusing or be a bit more irritable than usual, and plan around that to the extent you can,” Scott said.

睡眠剥夺症状在下午1点至4点之间趋于恶化。- 因此,也许避免在该窗口中进行大型活动。

As long as the Super Bowl is on a Sunday and the day after isn’t a national holiday, the best you can do is take care of yourself in the days leading up to the big game and set an earlier bedtime the night after.



But how much you feel those effects boils down to how healthy you’ve been in the days before and after the Super Bowl.