A nurse speaks with a woman about her wellbeing after getting vaccinated. Share on Pinterest
A new study has found that a significant number of people who were given a placebo during a COVID-19 vaccine trial reported experiencing side effects after receiving their shot. FG Trade/Getty Images
  • 一项新研究中包括的许多人报告说,尽管只接受了安慰剂,但接受了Covid-19疫苗后产生了不愉快的副作用。
  • 研究人员说,这可能是由于“ Nocebo效应”。
  • The “nocebo effect” occurs when people perceive they’ve had negative effects from a treatment simply because they expect them to occur.
  • COVID-19 vaccine side effects are usually nonexistent to mild. Severe side effects are quite rare.

A group of American researchers say a portion of reported COVID-19 vaccine side effects may not be from the vaccines themselves.

Rather, the effects may be from what is known as the “nocebo effect.”

In fact, their research found that a significant number of people reported experiencing side effects despite having only received an inactive placebo injection.

该团队得出的结论是,执行后有Nocebo效应 systematic review and meta-analysis 在包括不良事件(AE)的12篇文章中,有45,380人报告。

Systemic AEs were reported by 35.2 percent of those who received their first dose of a placebo, while 16.2 percent reported at least one local AE.


第二个剂量后,31.8%的研究participants said they had at least one systemic AE, while 11.8 percent reported at least one local AE.



当研究者观察之间的比率the vaccine and placebo groups, however, what stood out was that, after the first dose, the placebo groups accounted for 76 percent of all reported systemic side effects and 24.3 percent of local side effects.



尼古拉斯·克曼(Nicholas Kman)博士俄亥俄州立大学韦克斯纳医学中心的急诊医学医师解释说,Nocebo效应与已知的安慰剂作用有关。

“Placebo effects are when an inert substance is given to someone and it provokes perceived medical benefits,” he said.

A placebo can be something like a sugar pill or an injection made with saline solution (salt water). It doesn’t have medicinal effects, but people may perceive that it does because they believe they have received the active treatment.


Kman said there are a number of factors that can contribute to a person experiencing a nocebo effect.



Among other reasons Kman cited that influence a nocebo effect are:

  • 药物包装插入物
  • 电视广告突出了药物的可能副作用
  • 在互联网和社交媒体上找到的信息
  • 朋友或亲戚的轶事或评论


However, Kman pointed out it’s unclear what, if any, role misinformation campaigns associated with COVID-19 vaccines might play in experiencing a nocebo effect.

Sanjeev Gupta博士,阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦医学院医学与病理学教授和American Physiological Society,说该问题尚未研究。

However, he feels misinformation campaigns probably didn’t play a role in this particular study.

Gupta noted that, while fear and misinformation have been major reasons for vaccine hesitancy, study participants were volunteers, so they most likely would not have had the same concerns about vaccine side effects.

While reports of severe vaccine side effects have drawn a lot of attention, Gupta said the majority of people will have either no or minimal side effects from COVID-19 vaccines.

The more common side effects, according to Gupta, include:

  • injection site discomfort
  • feeling feverish
  • general aches and pains
  • transient fatigue lasting for a few hours.


“Interferences in physiological aspects of blood clotting have been reported in a handful of people with blockages of blood vessels or internal bleeding in the brain,” he added.

Gupta further explained that any allergic reactions can be identified within minutes and are typically treated shortly after vaccination.

实际上,在最近的一个 study 涉及19,586名接受COVID-19疫苗的成年人,发现在部分疫苗接种后,仅0.3%的参与者报告了过敏反应或过敏反应,并且在完全疫苗接种后,参与者的参与者中有0.2%。

Kman noted that myocarditis and pericarditis have been reported, especially in adolescents and young adult males, within several days after COVID-19 vaccination.



Both Kman and Gupta agree that the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination greatly outweigh the small degree of risk associated with them.


He also pointed out that getting vaccinated reduces the risk of severe disease, hospitalization, and death.


Kman also noted that studies like this show that the perceived adverse reactions are not always causally related to the vaccine.



“The benefits of vaccination increase markedly for anyone at risk for severe disease, including those with many chronic conditions, immune deficiency states, organ transplantation, advanced age, and others,” said Gupta.