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多年来,这个国家的高胰岛素价格促使许多糖尿病(PWD)越过边界以寻找更负担得起的胰岛素, mainly in Canada and Mexico. But that ground to a halt when those U.S. borders shut down for most of 2020.

受影响之一是Heather Woodin southeast Michigan, who for several years before the COVID-19 crisis had been sourcing her insulin from Canada. She’s lived with成人发作1型糖尿病(T1D)自2017年初30多岁以来,她的十几岁的儿子和父亲都生活在这种胰岛素依赖类型的糖尿病中。

Being in Metro Detroit within a half-hour of the border, Wood says she had traveled to the nearest town of Windsor, Canada, for the past 5 years to find more affordable insulin. And then, COVID-19 hit.

“I absolutely panicked when I read about the border closings,” Wood told DiabetesMine.

尽管把胰岛素带回美国s is technically illegal, it’s “decriminalized” by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and there’s a general policy exemption for individuals. That means for many years the authorities — in this case the FDA and Customs and Border Patrol — have allowed citizens reentering the country to bring limited amounts of medications needed for their personal use.

Wood was able to make it across the border a few more times even despite the pandemic-related closures, thanks to understanding border agents who determined it was an “essential” visit but instructed her to only travel to the Windsor pharmacy and then return.


  • 第一访问:They allowed her in with a face mask as long as she didn’t go anywhere else.
  • 2nd visit:She entered Canada with her boyfriend but only one of them could enter the pharmacy while wearing a face mask.
  • 第三次访问:Wood again traveled to the border with her boyfriend, but she was forced to stay in the car at the Canadian customs’ side while he was allowed to walk to the local pharmacy to pick up the insulin prescriptions (just over a mile-and-a-half away). They were told to not return to Canada together anymore.
  • 第四次访问:伍德的男友独自旅行,但美国加拿大习俗不想让他进去,除非他在安大略省隔离了14天。在“疯狂的电话并与海关交谈”之后,伍德说,每个人都同意允许当地的加拿大药剂师将胰岛素直接交给边境的男友。


加拿大药剂师弗兰克·维拉(Frank Vella)

It was the generosity of pharmacist Frank Vella atMedica Pharmacythat changed everything that day, allowing Wood and her family to obtain needed insulin. Medica is a relatively new Windsor pharmacy opened by Vella himself in mid-2019. He spoke with DiabetesMine by phone and said it was the least he could do.


Vella says he has a special appreciation for the United States, as he attendedpharmacy school at Wayne State University在底特律,还曾在密歇根州的圣约翰医院居住,然后在CVS和Rite Aid工作,然后在温莎开设自己的小药房。他说,他很高兴现在在这场Covid-19-19危机期间提供帮助,因为美国在生活中非常欢迎他。



“Everyone’s trying to do their part and be understanding with what we’re dealing with,” he added.


“The sheer relief of being able to get the insulin my son and I needed was incredible,” she said. “Knowing you require a medication to survive and not knowing if you will be able to acquire or afford it is something too many people struggle with.”

As a grassroots diabetes advocate who supports the#胰岛素4ALLmovement, Wood says she has been involved in mutual aid efforts for the past few years and sometimes helps other PWDs get supplies and insulin they need. She got involved after struggling to afford insulin for her T1D son, who was diagnosed in March 2015 at age 12. Her father was also diagnosed a half-century ago in 1970 in his 20s, when he was fresh out of the U.S. Air Force.



With insurance, Wood and her dad generally get enough insulin, but it’s her son who has the most need for less-expensive Canadian insulin.


“No one should ever have to ration their insulin. People are dying because of rationing. I am very lucky to live so close to the border to be able to access more affordable insulin. I wish everyone had this option. This is why I fight for #insulin4all. Almost every day there is a need for help, and it breaks my heart.”