Today, the DiabetesMine team is hosting our biannual gathering of leaders in diabetes technology and innovation: theD-DATA交换


这big idea is to bring all these “stakeholders” together for candid conversations about how we can work together to best advance (and expand access to) the newest diabetes technology tools.

Today actually marks our 16th (yes, sixteenth!) #DData event since its inception in Fall of 2013, where the#wearenotwaiting标签和运动were born.

Lots of exciting new tools and hot-button topics will be discussed, so read on to learn more.

第一#ddatameeting was essentially an ad hoc gathering of early patient hackers. Knowing there were lots of folks out there starting to tinker with diabetes technology, we pulled a meeting together as a pre-day to our annual糖尿病创新峰会然后在斯坦福大学医学院举行。空中充满了兴奋,全国各地的兴趣激增!

DiabetesMine founder & D-Data ExChange host Amy Tenderich



  • 一个lot of folks from the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) community getting hired by forward-thinking industry organizations. What could be better than placing those brilliant patient-focused minds where they can help change the market for diabetes tools?
  • 合作伙伴关系,研究项目,试点计划和咨询委员会。
  • 重要的是,我们已经看到并看到了互操作性的真正步伐,并在糖尿病创新中采用开源模型。

#ddatahas always been a place to hear about cutting-edge technology from the DIY community and various startups, along with new regulatory pathways directly from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) experts.

DiabetesMine D-Data ExChange与主要的药物领导者,医疗设备制造商,临床医生和研究人员一起,收集了基层#Wearenotwaiting运动后集会的患者 - 企业家,创造了重要的算法,消费者MHealth技术专家和设计师以及FDA专家。


We’ll take a look a what’s happening in the world of diabetes medtech innovation in 2021, both in the industry and in the patient community.


Increasing access为糖尿病的技术工具提供服务不足和保险不足的糖尿病患者。

Expanding the marketfor tools like连续葡萄糖监测器(CGM)给非胰岛素用户甚至消费者使我们所有人受益)。

Building out education and supportfor both healthcare providers and patients on new AID systems, because these sophisticated tools are only powerful if people know how to optimally use them.


  • C |网络高级编辑布莱恩·库利(Brian Cooley)– Our opening talk will shed light on trends in consumer adoption of digital technology and how next-generation 5G networks can potentiallytransform healthcare
  • EXPLORING FDA’S INNOVATION PATHWAYS– A seasoned regulatory consultant and a former FDA diabetes branch leader will discuss the path forward for emerging自动胰岛素输送(AID)系统和其他数字D-Tech。例如,FDA将如何处理增量软件升级?
  • DIABETES DIY IN 2021- 关于研究的全部European OPEN Diabetes Projectand how they see patient innovators collaborating with industry in the future — presented by digital clinician, scientist, and type 1 diabetes (T1D)looper她自己,博士Katarina Braune
  • 聪明的笔- Medtronic/Companion Medical,Eli Lilly和Novo Nordisk的领导者讨论了连接的胰岛素笔技术的潜力“我们只刮擦了表面”,包括许多实用性他们解决的问题
  • “BEYOND TELEHEALTH”- 糖尿病和一滴on patient insights around digital tools for self-care.
  • #DDATA Demos:内部看一大批热门球员:
    • Bigfoot Unity- 令人兴奋的新自动化胰岛素输送系统围绕着连接的胰岛素笔帽,刚刚在2021年5月中旬批准。
    • Tidepool Loop- 首先,将与各种兼容的胰岛素泵和CGM相连以自动化胰岛素剂量。
    • Thrivable– a real-time market research platform makes it easy for patients to be their own advocates by sharing their insights via surveys, interviews, usability studies, and more.
    • diamon技术– a pioneering noninvasive glucose monitoring device out of Germany that is showing comparable accuracy to existing commercial minimally-invasive CGM devices.
    • Waveform– a new 14-day-wear CGM with a needle-less sensor insertion method, and multiple eco-friendly features, including a rechargeable transmitter and reusable sensor insertion tool.
    • Levels- 第一个将CGM与智能软件配对的消费者计划,以支持一般人群的代谢意识。
    • Nudge BG- 糖尿病发明家巷Desborough的新算法旨在通过响应CGM数据来“淡化”基础胰岛素,从而使辅助系统更简单,更有效。

演讲和演示的视频public on our#DDATA网站经过the end of the month. Stay tuned to ourTwitterandFacebook更新的频道。

一个HUGE THANK YOU对于已经加紧支持这个社区并使这些聚会成为可能的组织: