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November is 国家糖尿病意识月(NDAM) 在美国,始终以整个月进行的一系列宣传运动和筹款活动的标记。近年来,这项努力在国际上变得更加重要,随着世界糖尿病日that takes place annually on November 14, marking the birthday of insulin co-discoverer Dr. Frederick Banting.


We look to the hashtags#NDAMand#WorldDiabetesDayas a resource to follow all of these efforts.

Even before hashtags were a thing, we at DiabetesMine had been covering these November initiatives at length throughout the years. Please browse through this explanation and overview of what happens when diabetes awareness becomes a national and international talking point for the month.

According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), National Diabetes Awareness Month was established 40 years ago in 1975, though Congress and the U.S. presidents didn’t start passing公告recognizing November as “diabetes month” until the early 1980s. (See this里根宣言1981年。)ADA在1997年为“美国糖尿病月”商标。


Of course, with the COVID-19 pandemic surfacing in 2020, a legitimate question arose:多么相关在全球健康危机时期,是否是纪念意识月?


For 2021, we know that ADA is focusing on theirStep Big Step Up campaign,其中包括在线2型糖尿病风险测试,,,,afood hubfor healthy recipes, and a push to get people参与ADA倡导efforts.

JDRF正在举办一系列在线会议,庆祝“Movers, Shakers and T1D Changemakers”。他们还提供特殊NDAM意识Zoom backgrounds, available for downloadhere

超越1型正在继续#thedropspottcampaign, that encourages people to make their illness publicly visible on social media, to help fight stigma and combat misunderstanding. They also encourage people to check out theirWarning Signs materials,为了确保1型糖尿病的诊断不会危险地忽略。

和Precision Health CompanyOne Dropis particularly active this year, launching a “Power of Connection” campaign that focuses on the importance of human connection and support in diabetes management and overall health. “Support complements and enhances other healthcare services by providing emotional, social, and practical assistance during the 8,759 hours we spend outside the doctor’s office each year,” they write. The campaign will include informational webinars and blog posts, a panel discussion hosted bydiaTribe(November 12,YouTube), and an original mini-documentary on Charles King, a 60-year-old blind powerlifter with diabetes who beats the odds and breaks a world record (November 22,“Portraits of Possible”).

寻找更多细节,以及更全面的2021 NDAM和WDD活动的清单。

世界糖尿病日(WDD) was established by the Belgium-based International Diabetes Federation (IDF) in 1991 to call attention to this worldwide epidemic. The date of Nov. 14 was chosen to honor Banting, along with his main insulin co-discoverer, Dr. Charles Best. While it did officially exist through the 1990s and early 2000s, WDD day was largely off the radar until 2006, when the IDF successfully advocated for theUnited Nations to issue a resolutionofficially recognizing it for the first time the following year.

Clare and Kari Rosenfeld

As part of that campaign, an Oregon D-Mom named Kari Rosenfeld was working with IDF to come up with a concept for an international symbol for diabetes. She and her daughter Clare (diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at 7 years old) were actually the main force behind the UN Resolution, originally pitching the idea to IDF to bring more worldwide attention to this illness.

他们将联合国决议的想法提交了澳大利亚人Professor Martin Silink,,,,who led the IDF at the time in 2003 and was attending the organization’s annual meeting in Paris. Without his leadership, Kari says none of the rest would have been possible. She took on the role of project manager handling all aspects of achieving the new resolution, along with a “Unite for Diabetes” public awareness campaign built around it, aimed at “going beyond so many mixed messages about diabetes to create a unified campaign that could embrace them all.”

For the international symbol, they settled on theBlue Circle,,,,meant to become as recognizable as the ubiquitous pink ribbon for breast cancer, red ribbon for AIDS, or yellow ribbon for bring-home-the-troops.

The blue hue is meant to evoke the color of the sky, and the circle embodies unity. In fact, the Blue Circle is officially known as the “Unite for Diabetes” symbol. In November 2013, we interviewed Kari Rosenfeld about the origin of the Blue Circle, and thepast, present, and future of NDAM and World Diabetes Day



  • pledging support for greater access to diabetes care by signing an online petition they’ll be publishing soon
  • 参与当地或国家政策制定者,以确保所有患有糖尿病的人都能获得所需的护理
  • organizing a ‘Learn about diabetes’ event in local schools
  • organizing or participating in a local diabetes awareness walk
  • lighting up a local landmark, your home, or workplace in blue (aprevious tradition那看到了monuments从悉尼奥普拉故居到11月14日以蓝色照明的旧金山渡轮大楼)
  • arranging an activity that incorporates learning about diabetes with your work colleagues
  • 帮助人们通过IDF学习2型糖尿病的潜在风险在线测试

2021 is a special year for these efforts, because it marks100 years since the discoveryof lifesaving insulin.

在加拿大多伦多,banting和最好的开始,首先是对糖尿病引起的狗进行实验,直到其中一只生存了70天,并注射了当时的胰腺提取物,称为“ Isletin”。次年1月23日,对患有糖尿病患者进行了首次成功注射胰岛素。IDF创建了一个video,,,,infographic,,,,posters, and a number of other materials to mark this “journey to a medical miracle.”

安大略省伦敦的历史悠久的狂欢屋是Mark Ndam和World Diabetes Day的特殊场所。它已知是“胰岛素的发源地” -房屋转变为穆斯where Banting lived at the time when he first dreamed up the idea of insulin to treat diabetes.

Now in this 100th anniversary year, the Banting House has a new增强现实(AR)经验andlineup of activitiesfor those who can attend in person. Otherwise, you can follow them在Instagram上to learn what they’re up to.

Mike Hoskins/DiabetesMine

Here are some highlights of NDAM campaigns throughout the years, as reported by DiabetesMine.

糖尿病意识月圆桌会议(2008年)。For the first time ever, the national advocacy group JDRF gathered a group of vocal diabetes bloggers to discuss November outreach activities and more. One advocate at that event noted: “Diabetes awareness is important because it translates into a greater understanding of (and by extension, compassion for) those living with the disease; an increased willingness by schools, companies, and other organizations to make accommodations when and where needed; and a larger number of people providing more vigorous support toward finding a cure.”

帮助卢旺达的孩子(2010年)。The inspiring all-diabetic pro cycling Team Type 1 conducted a ‘Thinking Globally’ on diabetes campaign aimed at helping people with diabetes in developing countries get access to lifesaving insulin and diabetes supplies. They focused specifically onRwanda,,,,where life expectancy is less than 5 years with diabetes. For WDD in San Francisco that year, we also saw the kick-off of a fun new fitness program, Dance Out Diabetes.

T1 Day (2011).The JDRF kicked off NDAM on Nov. 1, 2011, with the first-ever “type 1 diabetes awareness day” program, appropriately calledT1 Day。The org also had the opportunity to appear on the Today Show in New York at the start of November, while in San Francisco there were diabetes-inspired flash mobs happening.

Blogger Outreach (2012).糖尿病在线社区(DOC)中的许多人在2012年11月“思考蓝色,蓝色”,许多糖尿病博客作者也认可了第八届年度糖尿病博客日,博客作者在其中围绕一个原因而集结。The theme in 2012 was media awareness — encouraging bloggers to write open letters to national media outlets such as the NY Times, CNN, or a local/national newspaper or TV station about why it’s so important for them to let the world know that diabetes is about more than just having overweight or eating too much sugar.

大蓝色测试and More (2013).今年推出了一个新的智能手机应用程序大蓝色测试的活动现在糖尿病手笨人ndation that encouraged people to check their blood sugar, be physically active for 14 minutes, and test again to see the impact of exercise on blood sugar levels. This year also marked the debut of the JDRF’s marketing campaign, “Turning Type One Into Type None。” We also saw the former世界糖尿病日明信片交换grow in popularity.

糖尿病国家 +蓝色圈子应用程序(2014年)。一个称为“State of Diabetes” was launched by a New York health insurance marketing agency, Area 23, to call attention to the massive size of the problem. The idea was that with 343 million people worldwide living with type 2 diabetes, it should be time to move beyond the UN Resolution and actually ask the UN to designate “Diabetes” as an official country on its own. Whoa! Area 23 was also filming a documentary to help raise awareness about type 2 globally. Also, the IDF introduced a new Blue Circle selfie app, along with their “Pin a Personality” initiative, promoting awareness by publicly placing Blue Circle pins on celebrities. More than 50,000 were distributed, including one to Bradley Whitford, best known for his TV role as White House exec Josh Lyman on the West Wing.

健康饮食意识(2015)。The ADA and IDF focused on the theme of educating people about健康饮食。这标志着更大,持续不断的努力的开始,以认识到“健康饮食计划对于满足血糖靶标的非常重要,并避免与未治疗或管理不良的糖尿病有关的并发症。”

糖尿病意识(2018)。That year,,,,IDF announced a 2-year theme focus on “Family and Diabetes。” It’s a broad topic, but the IDF said the point was to raise awareness of the impact that diabetes has on the family and support network of those affected, and promote the role of the family in the management, care, prevention and education of diabetes.

Hashtag Campaigns (2019).This year, lots of orgs launchednew awareness initiativesvia social media, such as the ADA’s#CountMeIn campaignthat encouraged people at risk for type 2 diabetes to take an online risk test and get their A1C measured at Walmart or CVS; Beyond Type 1’s#thedropspott旨在使这种看不见的疾病可见的运动;和JDRF#T1DChampions campaignto celebrate people’s accomplishments despite this illness.

The COVID-19 Year (2020).大流行使一切都浮出水面,其中包括糖尿病意识努力和世界糖尿病日。但是,许多大组织告诉糖尿病that awareness remained ever-important even in the face of this new global health crisis.

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