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We’re now two months into 2021 and many in the Diabetes Online Community (DOC) are in the throes of a pandemic-era winter of frigid weather. Meanwhile, there’s been a lot to keep our brains busy during this past month, from varying views on the Dexcom Super Bowl ad with Nick Jonas to diabetes love in the air with Valentine’s Day.

In no particular order, here’s our monthly roundup of posts that caught our eye in the online community throughout February.

Generosity was on display in the DOCwith theannual #SpareARose effort, raising over $74,000 for theLife for a Child (LFAC)program before the end of February, during this 9th consecutive year of the campaign. Kudos to this simple notion of sacrificing a single rose and donating the cost of that flower to help get insulin for children with diabetes in need across the globe.

Dexcom’s Super Bowl commercial with Nick Jonassparked a lot of chatter within the D-Community, withsome inspiredby the ad andothers offendedby thead’s message, or simply unhappy that the CGM company would spend millions of dollars on a TV ad.

Love was in the air for Valentine’s Day, bringing some great posts and laughs sprinkled throughout the online community — including theseartistic creations by Miss Diabetes, and this fundiabetes-themed Valentinefrom @type1diabeteswarriors.

“10 years ago today, I died in my bathtub from diabetes…”Wow, what a headline to catch your attention. This raw, straight-from-the-heart post is a must-read fromD-advocate Phyllisa Deroze, first misdiagnosed with type 2 diabetes before eventually discovering years later that she had adult-diagnosed type 1 diabetes (T1D). Phyllisa delves into her story of how Valentine’s Day brings her to tears each year after 2011.

Some say that diabetes blogs are a dying breed, but our friend Renza Scibilia in Australia feels differently. Shegoes on the defenseabout diabetes blogs and shares her POV on why they’re so important, even today.

In the UK, theDiabetic Dad bloggeralso reflects on the DOCand how diversity and inclusion remains ever so important. He notes it’s our responsibility to ensure thatas many voices as possible are represented, and it’s not always the same old lineup of faces and perspectives being shared.

糖尿病患者对我们的思想有很多, with all our daily management tasks. Thisclassic image shared by We Are Diabeteson Instagram captures that perfectly. Despite use of the somewhat outdated term “diabetic,” it’s definitely share-worthy, especially when we D-folks get asked, “what’s going on?”

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An OG in the DOCis fellow bloggerChris Stockerat The Life of a Diabetic, who not only lives with T1D diabetes himself but also has a young daughter who was diagnosed 2 years ago. In a recentDiabetes Connections podcasthosted by D-Mom Stacey Simms, Chris talks about what it’s been like for his family to adjust to their new situation. He also has a great message for any men who live with T1D.

Life with diabetes complicationsis not easy, but it can be sweet. We recently talked about this with T1D survivor and celebrity home designerJohn Wiltgen, as did fellow D-blogger Scott Johnson, who shared anexcellent interview with Wiltgenon his positive attitude and the power of storytelling.

A doctor to knowin the D-community is tech-savvy endocrinologist Rayhan Lal of Stanford Medicine. He specializes in both adult and pediatric diabetes, and recently gave an incredibly informative “Screenside Chat” talk on diabetes and COVID-19, shared bySavvy Diabetic blogger Joanne Milo here.

如果你需要复习一下on when to consume sugar and when to use emergency glucagon, look no further thanthis Taking Control of Your Diabetes (TCOYD) postby Dr. Steven Edelman. “First of all, we do not treat a specific number…” he writes.

Keeping it real overat the newMore than a Diabetic podcastis fellow T1DEritrea Mussa Khan. We enjoyed hearing her story, experiences with diabetes misdiagnosis and stigma, and what led her to being part of this new podcast team.

Please share any D-posts that may catch your eye in the next month by pinging us viaemail, on Instagram@DiabetesMineNews, on Twitter@DiabetesMine, or on ourFacebook page.