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When you live with diabetes, particularly if you take insulin, there’s always a need to think about safety behind the wheel. You need to ensure that your blood sugar levels won’t dip into a danger zone that could cause you to lose control of your vehicle.

Most people with diabetes (PWDs) are well aware of this, and conscientious about checking their glucose levels before driving. But you never know…

That’s why there’s a market for window decals, seat belt straps and an array of other items designed to flag the fact that the person driving a car has diabetes.





但是,请注意,如果您确实有低血糖引起的驾驶问题,您将lose your license立即在大多数州。

Of course there’s always a personal imperative to make sure that police or paramedics responding to an emergency know about your condition in order to treat you properly. That’s often addressed by wearing a医疗ID手镯或其他MED警报珠宝(或tattoo). But there’s no guarantee that first responders or bystanders will see your personal ID.

年代o, on the pro side, some people believe these vehicle decals are an excellent choice to alert authorities in a medical crisis or emergency situation. There’s also a benefit to bystanders or fellow drivers seeing the sticker, who may be able to notify EMTs about an emergency if they notice erratic driving or anything out of the ordinary. These decals also can certainly help avoid having a diabetes emergency being mistaken for a drug or alcohol issue.


The cons of choosing to publicly display your diabetes are clear. Why do strangers need to know? Some PWDs worry that police could target them and use that as an excuse to pull them over, or other drivers could point to the diabetes alert even if it’s not a factor in an accident or other driving incident (i.e. “It’s not MY fault I hit her!“).


Victoria Cassedy, who’s lived with type 1 diabetes (T1D) for many years in Virginia, said she has displayed stickers stating, “I’m not drunk, I’m diabetic” ever since she saw a news story about a woman pulled over and forced by police to lay face down on the hot asphalt while being handcuffed. It turned out the woman had T1D and was having a severe hypoglycemic episode.

“(Police) treated her like total trash because they thought she was drunk. She could have died in the time it took them to treat her like a human being,” Cassedy shared with DiabetesMine.

Lauri Salsbury, who lives withT1D和自闭症在阿肯色州,将糖尿病贴在她的汽车上也是“是”。“我愿意!!由于两个原因:1)我为自己是谁而感到自豪,2)如果我发生事故,也许有人会看到贴纸并知道给我葡萄糖,”她写道。

But it’s a strong “no” from T1D Allison Marx in Georgia, who doesn’t see a reason to call out one’s health condition on your vehicle unless it’s required by law.

“While it may be somewhat common to put ‘student driver’ on a car for the safety of others, I don’t see any medical conditions being regularly called out,” she said. “We don’t ask elderly people to badge their car ‘elderly driver,’ so why would we expect diabetics or people with other diseases to? If I want an emergency responder to know I’m diabetic, my medical alert bracelet, phone medical alert, pump andCGM(连续葡萄糖显示器)should be plenty. I don’t need it otherwise advertised on my car for people to judge.”

凯西·马莫洛(Kathy Marmolejo)也反对这一点,写道:“不,因为有些人(已经)认为糖尿病患者应该无法获得许可,因为我们有风险。我有医疗身份证和警报卡。”


They said most conversations with patients around driving had to do with state laws, and they usually advise patients to contact their state driving agency or consult the American Diabetes Association resources available on每个状态的驾驶规则.

著名的DCEGary Scheinerin Pennsylvania (who lives with T1D himself) said it comes down to a personal choice whether patients are comfortable using a car sticker.

Scheiner说,尽管他不是为用糖尿病警报标记车辆的忠实粉丝,但他说,在他的实践中,他们教患者始终在钱包中有医疗身份证的正面和中心,并在可能的情况下穿一辆。他们分发了Ascensia Diabetes Care制作的名片大小警报,上面写着:我有糖尿病” and “请致电911” in big, bold print on the font. The back has one’s personal information for first responders, bystanders, or medical professionals.

在俄亥俄州,儿科内分泌学家Dr. Jennifer Dyersays her state’s Bureau of Motor Vehicles asks each person if they have diabetes when applying for a license. If so, they must then have their doctor complete a diabetes history and assessment to sign off on whether that PWD is “adherent” to their particular management routine. Specifically, the doctor is asked on the form if that person should maintain their license and when that HCP believes the patient should be re-assessed.

Dyer says she’s refused to sign a few teenagers’ forms, particularly when they have “recklessly stopped checking their blood glucose, as I am legally responsible for any damage they do while driving related to their diabetes.” She notes that teens are highly motivated to drive: She’s seen many change their behaviors and consent to start wearing acontinuous glucose monitor (CGM)或更频繁地检查他们的糖以使她在表格上签字。“这是一种与青少年相处得很好的议价工具。”


Even so, the approach varies by region. Dyer says that in her particular Ohio county, paramedics always assume that any injured or unconscious driver has diabetes and they do a glucose check, unless told otherwise. So, a driver’s vehicle ID might be less impactful there, compared to other places.

I personally have been driving with T1D since 1996, and have gone low and experienced dangerous scares that made me question whether I should even have a license. This happened at two key points in my life:

  1. The first was in my late teens not long after my high school graduation in 1997, long before I became an insulin pumper. I ended up swerving on the road and eventually getting pulled over by police in a parking lot. Thankfully, no accident occurred and no one was hurt.
  2. The second incident was in roughly 2009, just before starting on a CGM. As a result of a fast-dropping blood sugar that didn’t show itself with an in-the-moment fingerstick test at work, I had a “sudden” hypo that led me wandering from my office in a daze into the parking garage. I apparently climbed into my red Ford Escape and began driving towards home. I ended up in front of my subdivision in a ditch, after taking out a street sign with my car. Luckily (incredibly so!), no one was injured that time either.



In addition, that motivated me to start displaying a decal on my front windshield, rear window, and driver’s side window. For years, I also carried a medical alert on my keychain, along with a plastic case for 4 glucose tablets.

作为一个从未被描述或针对性的白人,我对在车辆上显示医疗警报没有任何疑问。但是我认识到自己的特权 - 尤其是在2021年。

Of late, my newest vehicle (and keys) haven’t had any diabetes alerts displayed for two reasons: I’ve been working from home full-time since 2012 and therefore don’t drive often, and as mentioned, I now wear a CGM and automated insulin delivery device that keeps my glucose levels in range more than 60 percent of the time. Those two points lead me to be less immediately concerned about diabetes driving emergencies.

显然,是否使用汽车贴花是个人的选择。我只是提醒我的T1Ddriving is a privilege, and please take precautions to stay safe — with or without a car sticker.

There are many different ways to display diabetes on your vehicle. Some are decorative, some less so. Some resources are: